Thursday, March 28, 2013

Arrow "Salvation": The Spiral of Depression

If I had to sum up this week's episode of Arrow, Salvation in one word, it would be 'depressing'. Depressing in the sense that every character plot line was basically going all to hell. The Sarah could be alive plot is now closed and in the way we would have thought. Moira is still dodging Malcolm after her botched assassination plot. Oliver is terminator calm and taking down people on the list. Even the flashbacks saw their plan for escape fall on it's face. Salvation just really painted this picture of no hope this week on Arrow, which something Arrow hasn't done yet. Well briefly, but they didn't make everything go sour. Salvation sounds like fun episode no?

So the fun begins with the gang researching the next name on the list while Oliver does horizontal pull ups on the ceiling. Which I have to admit that it was pretty cool. Anyways, once Oliver gets the "A" ok from Felicity, he heads out only to finds that his target was grabbed by someone else. So he enlists Felicity to find him, and before Oliver could head out again after another target, Diggle grabs the book from him and forces Oliver to eat something. While eating, a viral video of Oliver's intended name appears, and he had been captured by a man who goes by the name of The Savior, a man who has no digital footprint. The man is soon killed on camera, and the gang sets out to find this man. Soon the Assistant DA is taken and Felicity gets a trace on it and sends Oliver racing across roof tops to locate The Savoir. Oliver discovers its a dead end and Felicity is shocked at their loss. Elsewhere, the Lances are tracking down leads to possible Sarah is alive sightings. On the other side of the city, Moira has to deal with Malcolm and his mission to hunt down who tried to kill him. Things due turn up when Roy, Thea's "friend", is The Savior's next victim, and the race is on to save him.

Much as it was depressing, I kinda liked how dark Salvation was this week with Arrow. From the beginning we knew that Oliver Queen was not going to be a hero, but rather a hero with a dark twist and past. He is the Dark Knight of the small screen. In addition we saw some comparisons drawn out between Oliver and the Savior. They both wish to cleanse the Glades of criminals, but have different motivation and methods. The Savior was all about getting revenge for his murdered wife, and this included the "trash" that was similar to the ones who killed her. As for Oliver, he was always about the list and helping people. In addition Oliver realized that he wasn't truly alone in this world. Which makes the little dynamic between Oliver, Diggle and Felicity a treat. Next I would like to point out the scene where Oliver is running around kicking in doors and across roof tops. Now that was bad ass. Someone needs to make a gif out of that. Oh wait, someone did (thanks tumblr).  Not to mention that workout scene was pretty wicked. I mean who works out on the ceiling? I also loved the whole Malcolm looking for his attempted killer and how Moira was basically shaking in her boots at the possibility of being found out. Flashback wise, I find myself liking Slade, and this is credit to the writers for making such an awesome character who is just generally a bad ass.

Now no one likes an episode that is truly just downright depressing, and Arrow had the good judgement to sprinkle some happiness and good thoughts here and there. First lets tackle the issue of Sarah could be alive, I think we all knew that there was a good chance that Sarah was not alive, but Arrow made us hope a little bit. Is there really a need to track up the issue that Sarah was alive? I'm not going to get too deep into this. For fans of Tommy, he played a small role this week as he appeared in one scene. The Thea/Roy relationship did get a bit further ahead than expected. Think about it, they flirted, they kissed, and now they're making out? I like the Thea/Roy relationship, but I feel like they just jumped into it. This is not a major issue for me though.

There probably a lot I didn't touch on that went well during Salvation, but overall it was a good episode. It didn't sugar coat anything and the storylines were able to mesh nicely together. Best line of the night goes to Felicity who told Oliver she asked Diggle to leave in her loud voice. Oh Felicity your such an excellent addition to Team Oliver. Also love Oliver reaching Laurel this week and very interested to see how that plays out. Also like the flashbacks this week as the dynamics change yet again.

Which storyline did you like better? You shipping Thea/Roy?

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