Thursday, March 28, 2013

Supernatural "Freaks and Geeks": Krissy, Vampires, and Fillers

Much as it pains me to say it, Freaks and Geeks wasn't really up to Supernatural's standards as the episode was purely a filler. It was no where near as bad as Man's Best Friend With Benefits (which was a weird episode), but after following up from Goodbye Stranger, it didn't have that kick it needed. Freaks and Geeks, although suffering from a predictable plot Supernatural was still Supernatural and it had its moments. In addition to bringing back a familiar face in Krissy Chambers as she returned as once again, a hunter.

Freaks and Geeks begins off at a make out point of some sort where a couple in a car is making out. Scene soon shows us that it is no other than Krissy Chambers in the car when she sees something outside. Moments after Aidan gets out of the car, Krissy is dragged out by a vampire, but is saved by her fellow hunters and they cut the vampire's head off. Krissy is back in the game and has a hunting gang. The next day, the Winchester arrive in town to investigate a case of woman being attacked and having their throats ripped out. Before heading into the police station, Dean tells Sam that he can sit out if he is not feeling up to it due to the trails. Sam turns it back on Dean and ask if he is alright due to Cas's beat down on him last week (good time right?). After some dodging on Dean's part, they head into the station and when they see footage of a murder, Dean discovers Krissy on it. So they track her down to a motel where the scooby gang (thats what I call them) is hunting another vampire. Thats when Dean notices a blue van at the scene and that the vampire seemed off. They soon discover that a hunter named Victor has been taking these kids in and teaching them to be hunters all the while they go to school. Dean is suspicious of everything and decides to investigate on his own what is happening.

Despite some of Freaks and Geeks' pitfalls, there were some good moments that made it a decent episode of Supernatural. The obvious positive was the return on Krissy Chambers who was not only could her own against things that go bump in the night but had attitude to boot. In a way she is the prefect role model for teenage girls watching Supernatural showing me that they too could be strong and independent (woohhooo girl power). It was also nice to see the interaction she had with Dean, cause he normally is able to connect with the young folk, Krissy makes it a bit of work for Dean to connect. Freaks and Geeks was also able to connect the stand alone episode to the overall arc of the season briefly and brought us a fun little awkward moment between the Winchesters to "talk" about their feelings. Yes cause men will willingly talk about their feelings. At least Dean was able to turn it into something humorous rather than awkward. Sam had his moment when he saw the kids living the life he wished he had of having a normal life as well as a school one too. Oh Sammy, your a dreamer. The best line of the night goes to Dean when he tells Aidan, "she'll kill you", if Aidan hurt Krissy, rather than him doing it. That line made my day.

Now much as other thought this was a nice break from all the mythology, I kinda missed it as I am a fan of the big arcs and such. Sure it's nice having a break once and a while, but it's no fun with a predictable plot and little laughs. After ripping our hearts out in Goodbye Stranger, we need a little fun in Supernatural. We knew already that Krissy was back in the game thanks to the promo. In addition to the feeling we had about Victor when we first met him. I mean seriously, it was a bit obvious that he was in league with a SPOILER and was basically SPOILER off the SPOILER' SPOILER. Now onto the topic of teenagers, much as Krissy's attitude was expects, I found that all their attitudes were a bit annoying since they went head first into anything Victor told them. So much for Victor's superior hunting race.

Anyways, people have mixed reaction to Freaks and Geeks, but there is no denying that it was a decent episode. It was nice seeing Krissy again, and who knows if she'll appear again in Supernatural. Just don't kill her off. Or her little hunting buddies. Not sure I have mentioned this before during this season but I really love how Supernatural is bringing back the music. Season 6 and 7 had very little during their runs, but Season 8 has brought back the music, bringing Supernatural back to it's roots. Season 8 has more music than season 6 and 7 combined. Anyways next week's episode looks epic, and if you have seen the promo, you would be excited too.

What did you think of Krissy's return? Did you find the plot predictable too?

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