Sunday, March 24, 2013

Merlin "Diamond of the Day": Merlin and Arthur's Swan Song

Can you believe that Merlin is now all done and over with it? The series finale of Diamond of the Day part 1 & 2 gave the beloved BBC series. For this week's review I am combining both parts of Diamond of the Day into one review since I was luckily enough to see both together during SPACE's two hour finale. What a finale though as it really showed all of Merlin's characters in their finest hour, in addition to us saying our final goodbyes to some. What really made everything so beautiful (and sad) to watch was friendship between Merlin and Arthur as they both are faced with their own individual problems and how it affects each other. Not only that but Diamond of the Day proved that Merlin and Arthur could not escape their destiny as the time had come. Wanted or not.

Events are set in motion as Morgana prepares a way to get rid of Merlin from her castle. Since she now know that Merlin is her destiny and her doom thanks to a vengeful Mordred, her next course of action is to take Merlin's magic away from him. So she sends one of her goons into Camelot to deposit a magic sucking slug in Merlin's room. So when Merlin returns from the tavern (one of the few times it actually was true), he knows something is up, but it attacked by the slug as it latches on his face. Merlin is able to get the slug off, but too late as Merlin's magic is now gone. Then word arrives that Morgana has begun her attack on Camelot and has taken a fort essential in Camelot's defense. In order to protect his kingdom, Arthur decides to ride out to meet Morgana in battle. Knowing that Arthur's fate is closing in, Merlin makes the hard choice to separate from Arthur in order to get his magic back. Taking Gwiane with him, Merlin heads to the Crystal Caves (seen back in season 3), but Morgana has gotten word that Merlin is trying to get his magic back, and traps him inside the caves.

Elsewhere, the battle for Camelot has begun as Mordred leads Morgana's forces. Merlin is able to arrive in time to the battle thanks to help from his father and the Crystal Caves as Emyrs, and wipes most of Morgana's forces out. On the battle field, Arthur and Mordred meet, both wielding blades forged in dragon's breath. Mordred stabs Arthur, and Arthur delivers a killing blow to Mordred. When Merlin arrives on scene, he finds Arthur passed out and whisks him away in the woods. There Merlin decides to make the move we all have been waiting for, and reveals hi magic to Arthur. It's about freaking time too. Giaus reveals to Merlin that in order to save Arthur, Merlin must take Arthur to Avalon. So they set out to save the once and future king.

Considering that Diamond of the Day was what every moment of Merlin was building up to, it was definitely worth the wait (and tears). Essentially stripped down, the two parter finale was about Merlin and Arthur, and all they have been though. In addition to the changes that was happening to these two friends. You could see on Arthur's face that he was disappointed that Merlin wasn't coming with him to the battle. It obviously hurt Merlin not going as well, but he knew that without magic to protect them both, it would have been futile. The moment that really hurt was when Merlin revealed his magic to Arthur, and you could see Arthur shocked at this "dark" secret his most trusted friend has kept from him. It was first Arthur's dislike of magic that made him angered, but it later turned into anger at Merlin for keeping something like this from him. To was true credit to Colin Morgan and Bradley James for acting the crap out of their characters. Another friendship I was glad to see was Merlin and Gwaine's which is something that hadn't been touched much, and giving Gwaine a moment to shine. Speaking of which, the knights in general were more than pretty faces as each played their parts in the finale. Oh did I mention how much of a bad ass Morgana was? She was relentless in her mission to kill Arthur as she survived almost everything thrown at her. There is just so much to talk about, and there is no way I can possibly touch it all.

So instead of what went wrong, let's talk about the things that confused and saddened us in Diamond of the Day. First and foremost, a lot of characters, who were loved, were killed off in the finale as Merlin took no prisoners. Not going to name them all for those who somehow didn't see the finale, but I can say that 4 characters are no longer living. What really hurt though was the whole Arthur dying thing as Merlin dragged it out and Arthur slightly angry at Merlin. In addition to the whole Merlin trying to stop destiny, but unsuccessful at every turn. Merlin, we feel for you. Now to the confusing part. Much as Merlin finished the whole destiny crap, there were still some questions at the end. Like how did they know that he was SPOILER? When did they decide this? Did SPOILER bring out the world destined to be on SPOILER's own? Did SPOILER ever become unlawed? I want closure. I want a sequel.

Well that is it boys and girl as Merlin is now officially over. I will treasure these four years ( I got into it around season 2) of Merlin forever as well as my box sets. BBC has let go one of a great series, and we all know it. Diamond of the Day really showcased why we all watched Merlin in the first place: Merlin and Arthur's friendship, which was the heart of the show. Next week, the Top 5 Episodes of Season 5 of Merlin.

What did you think of the ending? Did you lose your favorite character?

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