Sunday, September 23, 2012

Doctor Who 'The Power of Three': You've Been Cubed

Now this is the Doctor Who I have been waiting for. This episode of The Power of Three is more about the relationship the Doctor has with the Ponds, and the relationship the Ponds have with him. In a way it was like it was building for the next episode, which is the mid season finale before the Christmas episode.

In a way, The Power of Three followed the Ponds on their everyday life and their life with the Doctor. We see the Ponds struggling to keep the two lives apart, but nothing is ever that simple. Then one day, all these cubes appear around the world, and the Doctor comes to town to investigate. Then familiar faces of UNIT appear to investigate the weird power appearance, lead by Kate Stewart. From there he tells them and the Ponds to watch the cubes to see if anything appears. The problem for the Doctor is that nothing happened and didn't for a while. So the Doctor decides  to take off since he can't stand the waiting (which is seen through an entertaining montage of the Doctor attempting to pass the time). So the Ponds live their lives normally with the Doctor popping in and out. Then the cubes goes active for 47 minutes and is soon followed by numbers 7 to 1 appearing on the cubes.

The Power of Three has the right elements to it that made it such a great episode. First the interaction between the Doctor and the Ponds. The relationship between the Doctor and the companions has always been a good element to Doctor Who, and the last few episodes have been missing this spark. The Power of Three gives us this beautiful scene between the Doctor and Amy talking about the difference between running away and running to. In addition to that, we finally saw the Doctor in his truest form as he was up to his usual antics. For example, the Doctor getting frustrated doing nothing for 4 days and manages to do so much in an hour. I think we all have had that moment our selves where time doesn't seem to pass fast enough. For the Doctor that is like ten times worse since hes used to being always on the go. Also what is more amusing than the Doctor playing Wii?

The Power of Three is a great episode, but there is just one thing about it that I need to pick on. I felt that the ending of the episode felt a bit rushed. I like the fact that it spent a lot of time on the Doctor and the Ponds, but it shouldn't just rush through the ending like that. It basically crammed the master plan into about 5 minutes into the end. Other than that I have nothing else to pick on.

I feel that The Power of Three is one the strongest episode of series 7 of Doctor Who. Overall I love and enjoyed this episode very much. Despite the flawed ending, I couldn't pick a better way to send the Ponds off for their final episode Angels Take Manhattan. Not sure if I should be excited or sad that the mid season finale is approaching. You can watch the promo below.

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