Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Supernatural "Dog Dean Afternoon": The Adventures Of Dean The Dog

Dean becomes a dog. Well acts like one. That is certainly an eyebrow raiser and a way to draw attention to this week's episode of Supernatural. In Dog Dean Afternoon, in order to solve a murder Dean mind melds with a dog in order to figure out what's going on. Like the title suggests there are some side effects and Dean begins feeling some dog like symptoms. With comedic timing like Jensen Ackles' you knew you were in for a good ride filled with some good laughs. Cause that is what Supernatural does, it makes you laugh and then makes you hurt on the inside. That's why we love Supernatural. That and our boys. Has anyone noticed that the Winchesters have kinda made Kevin the new Bobby? They seem to be always calling him for help on cases now. Since I love Kevin better than Garth I accept this, and in addition Kevin was advance placement so he's qualified, right? Dog Dean Afternoon was a nice breath of fresh air after the usual angst that has been taking place with Dean's lies about Zeke, but they are slowly unraveling.

Usually I start off where the episode begins, but I really want to highlight the best "The Road So Far" segment in Supernatural history that highlighted all our favorite moments from our favorite episodes that made us laugh. Highly ambitious Supernatural doing that in the beginning of the episode, like your comparing Dog Dean Afternoon to those very episodes. Dog Dean Afternoon begins at the scene of the crime where a man is murdered in his business and his faithful dog witnesses his murder. In the cave, Sam and Dean catch word of the murder and head out to investigate what happened. This leads them to a vegan bakery where co-leaders of a animal rights group work. Elsewhere the killer strikes again at a local animal shelter eating all the kitties (NOT THE KITTIES!). At the scene, the Winchesters recognize the dog from the first crime scene and after seeing if he is a shapeshifter or a skinwalker they realize that the dog is the witness to both crimes. So Dean gets Kevin (miss you) to find a spell to communicate with the dog. It does work, but then Dean begins experiencing dog-like symptoms. Its up to Dean and his new furry friends to figure out who is committing these murders.

Even in it's old age Supernatural still has got it with Dog Dean Afternoon as we saw Dean act like a dog in order to solve a case. Supernatural hasn't lost it's creative edge with the whole have one of our actors act like a dog. And who better than Jensen Ackles? If you look at his track record as Dean and all the silly stuff he has done you know for sure that Jensen is going to nail it with his amazing comedic timing. Which he did. It was hilarious to see Dean act like a dog. He played fetch with Sam and barked at the mail man. He even went as far as checking out a poodle. Oh Dean, how we love you. Even if it's for the comedy, it's nice to see Dean take the spotlight and Jensen Ackles to knock it out of the park. For the last few weeks we have been saying how great Jared has been with portraying Zeke and all. Speaking of Sam, I am getting the vibe from him that he is getting the feeling that he knows something is up and that Dean is lying to him. Dog Dean Afternoon really saw Dean get a bit mixed up in the lies. I wonder how long Dean can keep it up? Although it was funny to see him try and shoot the pigeon for crapping on his car (which is a crime we all agree to). Also was fun to see that dog demand a belly rub from Sam and Sam's face while doing it. It's funny because Jared loves dogs in real life. Now we need to talk about this week's villain without ruining too much, but I have to say he was really creepy and had no issues about what he was doing. Then he try to eat SPOILER and then we wanted him dead. Dog Dean Afternoon is certainly a gif-able episode.

Now what about Dog Dean Afternoon didn't make it one of Supernatural's finest. I could only find a couple of thing since Dog Dean Afternoon really benefited from Jensen Ackles' performance. I would like to first point out to what happened to the no dogs in the car rule? Back in We Need To Talk About Kevin (season 8's premiere episode), Dean yells at Sam for having a dog in the impala and clearly says "No dogs in the car". I guess he was lenient in this case, but still. For those of you wanting to know where poor Castiel is, we still don't know since Supernatural has decided to throw his story to the side for another day (or next week). He really haven't heard anything about him in a while. Although for Dog Dean Afternoon, it would have been hard to juggle a Cas story with the one they had. Once again, I felt that the beginning of Dog Dean Afternoon was a bit meh again as it started off a bit rocky as it geared up to Dean mind melding with a dog.

I did enjoy Dog Dean Afternoon as it was a nice side story to tell apart from the main arc of Dean lying to Sam and all that fun stuff. I really liked how Supernatural handled the transition from main arc to side story too since it didn't feel random like it did back in season 7. Remember that? They would be talking about one thing and then randomly want to talk about how Sam's feeling (remember he was seeing Lucifer at the time). Forget season 7, this is season 9. Or, from I'm hearing, season fiiiiiinnnnee. I like the little quote in the episode about hunters are defined by what they hunt. That was like a little nudge at the Winchesters. I'm going to file Dog Dean Afternoon under successful in my Supernatural database. See you all next week.

What did you think of Dean acting like a  dog? Do you think Sam is catching on?

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