Monday, November 26, 2012

Merlin's Ending and Sherlock's Delays

Woe is me. Today BBC released news on two of my three favorite British television shows, Merlin and Sherlock. Merlin was announced that it's fifth season will be it's final as both the creators and the BBC have agreed it's time for the show to end. As for Sherlock, instead of the intended film production to begin in January of 2013, there has been a delay in the schedule due to busy schedules and production will take place March 2013.

I have been a long time fan of Merlin as I started watching the show around season 2 and become obsessed with it. I am loyal Merlin fan and it breaks my heart to hear that it's ending. Although it is sad to see Merlin go, they have said since season 1 that they were aiming for 5 seasons,and 5 seasons they got. All I ask in return is that it ends well and on their terms. So when Merlin season 5 finally does arrive in Canada, I will soak up every moment.

Later in the evening after BBC announced Merlin's end, BBC announced that Sherlock's filming will be delayed a couple months due to busy schedules. Benedict Cumberbatch is starring in the new Star Trek 2 film. Martin Freeman stars in The Hobbit. Steven Moffat is running Doctor Who, while working on Sherlock. I was looking forward to news of the upcoming season, but now I'll have to wait for March instead. In addition now, Sherlock is rumored to have been expected to air in the summer of 2013, but it's expected now to air on the BBC in late 2013. North America is expected to get the series in 2014.

I know I'm vague up above, but I had posted about this earlier on Tv For Freaks on both topics. I honestly can't wait for news on Sherlock and actually seeing the new episodes. I hope Merlin ends well.

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