Thursday, November 29, 2012

Arrow 'Muse of Fire': Misdirects and Connections

After being away for two weeks, Arrow is back and bring another comic book character into the mix of things. In Muse of Fire, we saw a connection between Oliver and Helena as they were walking a similar path as each other due incidents in their lives that forever changed them. In addition, Arrow some more of Laurel and Tommy's relationship as they were steadily going into a good relationship. All the while we learn more about Tommy's family and that his life is about to change. In short, Muse of Fire was all about relationships along with the ups and downs they come with.

So Arrow returned this week beginning off with Oliver meeting up with his mother for lunch when an masked gunman shots the man in front of Moira. Oliver races through the streets to catch the shooter, but loses sight of the gunman. Moria manages to get away with only a second degree concussion, but this does not help Oliver's anger at the matter. With Diggle, Oliver lays out the plans to hunt down who did this, and Diggle becomes concerned that Oliver might be losing his way. So undercover as Oliver could be, he visits the Bertinellis, a known mob family, under the cover of doing business with them. When the head gets called away, he leaves his daughter with Oliver to close the deal. Helena and Oliver go to dinner and begin to connect with each other on matters of life changing events. On the other side of the city, Tommy continues to pursue his relationship with Laurel, but encounters some financial problems with his account.

Muse of Fire certainly had a bunch of high points for it that was really working for it. We saw yet again more of Oliver's excellent physique as he raced to chase down a motorcycle. Which is pretty bad ass I must admit. The plot line that stood out the most for me in Muse of Fire was Tommy's surprisingly. He was finally given a bigger role in this week's episode as he pursued his relationship with Laurel. Then he gets the news from his father that he is completely cut off. Poor guy, but great character development. In a way this contrasts with as Oliver sinks to another level with Helena and her vendetta against her father. There is a nice contrast between Oliver and Helena. The biggest surprise of the night belonged to John Barrowman as his identity was finally revealed. No I will not reveal it, since this is a spoiler free review.  On a final note, I did like seeing Walter return was and cute when he reunited with Moira.

Now with all the surprises, this was not my favorite episode. It didn't feel as strong as best episodes, but rather in the okay level, if that makes any sense. In simple terms, it was a bit more dull in a way. Yes, it's cool the huntress is in Arrow, for DC comic fans, but for the rest of us, we won't know her until Arrow develops her more. On a side note, I felt that she rather forgot her fiance real fast around Oliver. Now onto the opening sequence, I am rather getting annoyed by it over the last few episodes, and I am glad they did shorten it, but how are they going to play it off in the end? Are all CW shows going to copy Supernatural's title card? Or will Arrow get an opening sequence? Also, I think we get that Oliver is fit, but is there really a need to get him to work out every episode? I think the whole chasing down the motorcycle thing was an excellent showcase of Oliver's body.

 Now with Oliver in a relationship now with Helena, things can go either bad or worse. As the promo showed for the next episode, Oliver begins to train her. On the Tommy angle, I want to see how that plays out. Not to mention get more details on the conspiracy that John Barrowman's character brings to the show and his connection to Moira. What exactly are they doing?

Which relationship do you think was stronger in Muse of Fire?

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