Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Supernatural "First Born": Lessons of PB&J

Supernatural First Born was an interesting episode this season as it really placed it's core characters in stable-ish positions. So what exactly do I mean by that? I don't mean that the Winchesters separating is a good thing, but something the boys needed to do. This way though, Sam and Dean learn something new and set themselves on new goals for the season. First Born was a good episode as Supernatural delved more into it's history. Like with the first blade, and Cain. Guys remember how the Winchesters are ancestors of Cain and Abel? Dean teamed up with a newly released Crowley to get the first blade to kill Abbadon. Sam and Castiel stayed behind in the cave to heal and see if they can track down Gadreel. In a way, First Born was a smart episode as it played Supernatural's strengths to make it an enjoyable and such.

First Born despite all it's great development, it is a bit of a bland story. It is the brothers going their separate ways due to Dean's earlier lies about Gadreel in Sam and such. Although First Born was a definite step up in story telling for Supernatural. First Born starts off in a bar with Dean when Crowley pops in asking for Dean's help on getting his hands on the first blade that apparently will kill a knight of hell. Crowley had a lead until John Winchester can stepped in and ganked the demon. Dean checks John's journal and finds the event in question and heads to one of John's storage units for more information. They eventually figure out that a woman named Tara was also involved in that case and when they visit her they discover she doesn't have the blade itself, but rather a location spell to find it. This location spell just happens to lead them to Cain, the first demon. Elsewhere, Castiel continues Sam's healing now that Gadreel is out and no longer doing it. Castiel finds a bit of left over grace in Sam that Gadreel left behind. Kinda like in season 5's Free To Be You and Me and Raphael's vessel. Castiel tells Sam that is they extract enough of the grace, they can track down Gadreel. Although the process of removing the grace would cause Sam intense pain and possibly something worse.

First Born was a finely written piece of Supernatural. I really don't know where to begin on it. I loved the callbacks to previous seasons and things we haven't seen in a while. Like John's journal making an appearance again when Dean checked it for the event Crowley mentioned. Heck even John's storage unit which we last saw back in season 5 made another appearance. Although you have to wonder how many of these he has and how are they getting paid for? Oh and then we meet Cain, who is a total badass and most likely to return again (maybe), who is Sam and Dean's ancestor. First Born did bring up some issues with the Winchester though they probably weren't aware of. We saw the usual Dean action first, ask later attitude. Heck even Crowley made a good point by telling Dean no one hates himself more than himself. As for Sam, Castiel points out that the Winchesters seem to always make sacrifices when they should treasure life instead. Sam is clearly feeling guilty about Kevin even though it wasn't his fault (it was Dean's). And its in Sam's nature to feel guilty and try and make amends. Despite all this, Supernatural did manage to throw in some humor in First Son. It was Castiel remembering how good PB&J was back when he was human, and Crowley saying "You're good. But I'm Crowley". I can see a meme coming out of that one.

So what about First Son was not smart? I thought that the writers would have at least had Dean acknowledge Cain as his ancestor. I mean season 5 was all based on that mythology, and it really cool when a show looks back to that. I think Supernatural has done it on occasion since the Kripke arc finished up. The attitude Sam has about Dean right now is also getting a bit old. I do see why he is refusing to call Dean for help. Actually I wanna hear him say it. Say you need to come to terms with things instead of putting on a sour face and say "we can do it without Dean". No one likes a sour face Sam. The idiotic move of the episode goes to Tara and the devils trap. You think she knew it would be a terrible idea to shoot the trap instead of scratching it off. Hunter mistake.

First Son was a great episode of Supernatural which I could compare to Sherlock. I felt like the whole scheme of it like similar to the level Sherlock is at. We could learn a lot from being human and thats what PB&J taught Cas. Who would have thought that PB&J was something more than an afternoon snack? As for Crowley, I am seeing a change in him and it was funny to see him afaird of Cain. Also who else thought that shush thing was similar to the one The Doctor uses in Doctor Who? Did the writers do this on purpose? See you guys next week.

What did you think of Cain? Do you think the Winchesters will overcome their issues?

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