Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Supernatural "Sharp Teeth": Your Friendly Neighbourhood Werewolves

After a long absence, Supernatural brings lovable Garth back into the picture while rubbing salt in our wounds about Kevin. Miss you buddy. Sharp Teeth though brought about Sam and Dean's return to working with each other, while giving Garth some back story as to where he was. Season 8 had set Garth up as the "new" Bobby (which we all know he could barely fit the shoes). Then he was no seen again on screen but mentioned several times. Then he basically fell off the Supernatural map to be forgotten like Supernatural was waiting for DJ Qualls to find some spare time for the show. Sharp Teeth was clearly the opening for his character to return and in a way tie up some loose ends. Not to mention to teach Dean Winchester a lesson. The Winchesters usually can't see their own issues until other characters deal with similar issues. It's how Supernatural works.

Sharp Teeth quickly reintroduced Garth back to the series by having him chased by a farmer and hit by a car. The Winchesters catch wind of this and head to the hospital where Garth is. By the way, Castiel is like totally just chilling back at the bunker this week. The brothers are obviously reunited and shocked to see each other, but agree to work together to see if Garth is alright. When Garth escapes, the Winchesters track him down only to find him with a female werewolf and learn that Garth is now a werewolf. Garth also reveals there is a pack of them stationed in town, but they mean no harm. With a history like Dean's, like hell he is going to believe that. Sam convinces Dean to look into things instead of "kill first, ask questions later". If nine seasons have taught you anything, is that nothing is what it seems. Dean looks into the pack while Sam investigates any strange events linking to possible werewolf kills.

Sharp Teeth was a decent episode to say at least. It brought back Garth and werewolves back into the Supernatural universe. I also love how Supernatural is just reinventing itself with the werewolf and how these creatures are returning to the world. We first saw this new type of werewolf back in Bitten, and how people infected with it could control it unlike back in season 2's Heart. Werewolves are no longer these uncontrollable creatures that were created way back then but now, controlled beasts with some mythology backing them up. Who would have thought werewolves had an end of the world plan huh? It was great to see Garth back and how he found a way out of the hunter life. Well not intentionally of course. Not only did Garth bring his usual cheery self back, but the brothers were reunited and worked together again for Garth's benefit. Dean is still hurting about Kevin (and so am I), and wanting to keep Sam out of the loop. At least Dean didn't lie about the mark of Cain and his recent work history with Crowley. At this point, I think Sam has just had enough of Dean's crap, but is willing to work with Dean. Brothers at their finest ya? I did like how Sam stopped Dean from jumping on the gun, and look into things before acting.

Sharp Teeth did reunite the brothers, but it still was a stray episode from the main arc and can't be credited as the strongest. I am glad they finally explained what happened to Garth and all, but they kinda just dumped his character in a way. In season 8 they set him up as the next "Bobby" and then he just disappears. This is probably because DJ Qualls got his own show along the way. The thing is, don't set up a character and don't use him. Which bring me back to Sharp Teeth, they explain everything as Garth turned werewolf and now is going to live an ordinary life as one. I guess I'm a bit angry they kinda just wrote off his character leaving the Winchesters with even less allies to call on. I think at this point I can probably count on my fingers how many allies the Winchesters have still breathing. Other than that and the man-angst flying about, it was an okay episode. A side story if you will. Also, I thought it was very obvious it was the step mother. I mean, aren't they almost always evil? Anyways, I called it from the very beginning.

It was a nice change of pace for Supernatural with Sharp Teeth as we learned where Garth went all those years ago. Well last season anyways. It was nice to see though that at least someone got out of hunting into a peaceful life. Then again, it's Garth. Also I feel like Supernatural need to stop bringing up Kevin at this point, cause I miss the guys, but pulling that card over and over again does get old. I swear if they do this all season they better bring Kevin back. Oh and Dean, stop lying to Sam. You should have learned your lesson many times before. The boys were separated for one episode like we all knew. The Winchesters are destined to hunt together. See you all next week which it looks like we're in for a treat.

Do you like Supernatural's new werewolves? Did you think they coped out with Garth?

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