Monday, November 4, 2013

Beauty and the Beast "Reunion": Forget The Reunion, Let's Talk VinCat

You gotta love/hate those class reunion episodes when they come around and this week with Reunion, it was Beauty and the Beast's turn. In a way though it was a catalyst for Catherine's growing sacrifices shes makes for Vincent and the normal life she has given up over time. In reality though, it was a showcase for Catherine to show off her girly side and indulge in generic high school reunion stuff that we see on tv. Which makes me remember the target audience is for Batb. The main storyline though was a beast on the hunt for Catherine thanks to her connection with Vincent. I really like how Batb is using Reunion to bring to the front of how much crap Catherine takes with this recent development with Vincent and his whole "I can't remember things". Not only that, she happens to be his heart and his weakness. Which reminds me of how much I like where Catherine and Vincent are in their relationship despite the little hiccup.

Reunion begins off the entrance of another beast starting his hunt for Vincent by doing what beasts do and track by scent. The scene moves to Cat's apartment where she sets up for some old high school girlfriends to come over and discuss their upcoming reunion. Catherine plans to spend the evening Vincent free and take time for herself. So when Vincent comes by to spark some memories (ya right, you wanna hook up with Cat), Catherine tells Vincent she wants a day off and tells him to hang with JT. Lol Catherine kicking Vincent out. Anytime girl time kicks in and they do stuff and leave. This is when the other beast attacks Catherine and she is saved by a friend walking in, leaving Catherine enough time to free herself. When Gabe and Tess arrive on scene wondering what happened, and Catherine asks them not to inform Vincent about this in order to protect him. Elsewhere, Vincent and JT are having some guy time and later Gabe walks in for JT's help and accidentally informs Vincent of the attack. Though it is cute to see Vincent concerned for Catherine. Vincent soon decides to track this beast down so he won't hurt Catherine again. No one hurts Catherine and gets away with it!

Despite all the usual suspects that come along with a school reunion episode, Reunion was a decent episode that saw the continued growth of Vincat. Although Batb is creating this standard of episode that is actually decent and makes it hard to see the flaws and strong points of the episode. I really like that Vincent is starting to get his memories back and re-learning of his relationships with this child like earnest that makes him adorable. The scene alone with him and JT watching sports and sharing snacks was the best. That was one relationship that needed some serious screen time. Think about it. JT and Vincent haven't hung out together in the longest time, nor have they teamed up yet. That's one element from season 1 I want back. Reunion also brought back the VinCat connection they had that was so adorable. So adorable that I just accepted that cheesy line Vincent said to Cat, but then again my inner fangirl approves. Reunion is like the first episode this season where VinCat seems stable and in a good place now. Up till this point, the two have been fighting and lying to each other, making things sour. They are building up a good momentum to a good place in their relationship.

Now there are some nit picks about Reunion I want to poke at so bear with me. Much as I loved the JT, Vincent scene, I felt they could have hit the comedic timing better to make that scene more comedic, like some music, or changing the timing. It felt like that scene was thrown in out of the blue. Scenes in television usually have an unseen flow to see that makes sense and relates scenes to each other in unseen ways to the audience. Which is why you should give a big props to editors who pull this off every episode. Reunion, just had that hiccup. Now we need to talk about Catherine's annoying friend the news reporter. Her friend gets attacked and all she can think about is "this could be the next big story"? Some friend there you have Catherine. Not to mention Batb trying to create some drama. I really hope she doesn't show up again. Now this is going to feel like a broken record, but Gabe, stop pressing into something that is not your territory. Either he is going to end up like Evan or Joe (sorry I am seeing a connection with him and Tess now). I like you right now Gabe, so let's keep it that way.

With Reunion I choose to look at the more important parts of the episode rather than the lame, generic, boring parts. I choose to look at the relationships that are being built, or rather being re-built. I like how Reunion did make the little tie in Vincent SPOILER the other beast and remembered some continuity (like Alex) along the way. The main reason I have stayed with Batb this long is because of the relationships between the core characters (who I like). It will never be my favorite show, but one I enjoy watching and Reunion is a good example why. Once again, my little prayer to the writer, please don't make a love triangle with Gabe. He always had problems with Cat with the whole tried to kill her thing and was trying to make amends. Gabe is a key part to the team, no need to make thing awkward. Then again, Batb is a drama and the writers need to make some and throw rocks in the gears.  See you all next week!

Do you want more JT and Vincent moments? Is Vincat in a good place now?

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