Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Supernatural "Slumber Party": Girl Power

Guys Charlie is officially a "Winchester" now in the Supernatural universe! In this week's episode of Slumber Party, Charlie returns to Supernatural when the boys call her for some tech support and this is when things go Wizard of Oz, literary.  More importantly Slumber Party was really a girl power hour as females (Charlie and Dorthy) stood out more than the males did, which is saying a lot since Supernatural is male centric. It's not everyday that the Winchesters are outshined and didn't save the day. Slumber Party was definitely a lighter episode than the previous three, although not as strong. Slumber Party was a bit uneven in the beginning, but soon found it's pace and groove that made it another Supernatural episode. This was also the history of the Men of Letters that we were promised at Comic Con for those of you interested. All I saw was that the Men of Letters like books, not action, and they apparently wrote 'The Wizard of Oz'.

Slumber Party starts off rocky as it starts off in the past with the Men of Letters starting up the base and starting at their new post. 6 Months later, Dorthy shows up with the wicked witch asking for help on how to kill her. Back in modern day, Dean returns to find Sam working on a way to track angels in order to help Castiel avoid them (since Zeke pulled rank last week and got Castiel booted out of the base. Not cool by the way). Finding the source is an very old computer, Dean decides its time to call in an old friend to help out. Old friend meaning Charlie Bradbury. Charlie returns again to help Sam and Dean set up a system with the computer to track angels by setting up a tablet (Windows 8 might I add since CW is looking like they have a deal with that company) to handle the data. So they go off to watch some Game of Thrones and came back to find some weird stuff on the wall containing Dorothy. Dorothy reveals she trapped herself with the wicked witch 75 years ago and now they are both free. The gang begins looking for a way to kill the wicked witch and soon find out that the truth is nothing like the book.

You know mischief is about Supernatural brought 'Wizard of Oz' into it's mythology with Slumber Party. Then again, you know it's not a serious episode either with a name like Slumber Party. How many of you caught that little joke about slumber parties? There was a similar line said by Dean way back in A Little Slice of Kevin. You know the one that jokes about braiding hair (more specifically Sam's). I just thought I would point that out. Onto more serious matters now, let's talk about Slumber Party and how the females this week rocked it without giving too much away of course. This week it was really Charlie and Dorthy who stole the show and saved the day while Sam and Dean dealed with their usual issues. You know, Crowley in the basement, Sam doesn't consider the base his home, Dean lying about Zeke, you know the usual stuff for Supernatural. Though with Zeke you can't tell if you love him or hate him. With Charlie returning this week, I felt like it really tied up her storyline in a way. She was unsure on what to do, but clearly wanted adventure and to help people. She proved herself a 'Winchester' and as a hunter by SPOILER, which made the ending of Slumber Party feel right for her character. Charlie had the best line of the night as well. I also loved how they made Dorothy some badass hunter, and not like her movie/book counterpart. The wicked witch was kinda awesome too so some serious props to that actress for pulling it off.

Now we really need to talk about what made Slumber Party not so up there with the last three episodes of season 9. In the beginning of Slumber Party the pacing of the episode felt uneven as the story progressed to bringing Charlie back into the fold and letting the 'Wizard of Oz' storyline unfold. That is when Slumber Party got decent. Season 9 has been off to a good start so far, and it just stumbled a bit with Slumber Party. Someone of might have noticed a missing angel/human around since Castiel has left the bunker thanks to Zeke forcing Dean to ask Cas to leave and was absent this episode. Dammit Zeke, why do you force Dean to make choices all the time? At least Sam is a bit suspicious now. Ya Dean, Sam is figuring out very slowly your lies. Speaking of liars, why was Crowley in Slumber Party? I love Mark Sheppard as Crowley, but I don't understand why Supernatural didn't play him off screen? I mean they did that with Kevin (which is not cool). I get that Supernatural wants to keep continuity and such with the Winchesters interrogating him for names, but I'm pretty sure there is a stronger episode to do that. The one thing that slightly annoys me though is that is never explained how Dorthy came back to life. Don't walk away and think we didn't notice that.

Despite the first half of Slumber Party, it was still an enjoyable and worthwhile episode. We finally saw Sam accept the base as his home, and learned a little about the Men of Letters. Although it was just a small bit. It was good to see Charlie again and see go off in a way that suits her character and leaves it in a way she could return when needed. Would like to give Jared again a big props for how he changes character so well. Although we are seeing Sam beginning to see something with Dean and the lies. Also props to Jensen for playing the guilty brother so well and makes us want to give him a hug for his pain and smack him for lying to his bro. Which makes you wonder how long can Dean keep it up? In addition, will Sam accept Zeke inside him once he finds out? That is a shit storm waiting to happen. Next week, Dean becomes a dog!

What did you think of the Wizard of Oz twist? Do you think Sam is onto Dean's lies? Will Charlie get her adventure?

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