Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beauty and the Beast "Hothead": On More Stable Ground

Last week we saw Catherine put her foot with Vincent and all the lies and decided she needed space. Basically they broke up for a bit. This was seriously in need though for their relationship as Vincent and Catherine found a new place for their relationship. With Hothead, VinCat was on shaky ground as they were dealing their separation. Vincent wants to hunt all the beasts and Catherine wants to go out and fun. This is where I argue they were meant to be together since they aren't handling the separation well. I think Hothead was a necessary episode for VinCat to grow and a good episode for the beast mythology. Have I mentioned that I love how Batb has scrapped the bullshit plots and characters and is actually a decent show. I partiality like Hothead because it eventually got VinCat back together in place that suits them and works. It's moments like this that makes me glad I stuck around with Batb.

Following the aftermath the the VinCat break up, Hothead shows Catherine trying out her new single status by going out with Tess to a bar to have fun. In classic Batb fashion, this doesn't work out as planned. Meanwhile Gabe is tracking an arsonist who Gabe believes is a beast. So Gabe calls in Catherine and Tess on this and informs them of his plan to test out if they can kill off the beast or not. Basically testing if they can make Vincent normal or not. Although not sure why Batb is revisiting this plot point? Maybe they are trying to make Gabe useful in a way? Although if you ask me, hes plenty useful. Anyways, Catherine, being anti-Vincent at the moment shuts down the idea and goes to do other things instead. So Gabe moves to plan B and getting Vincent in on the plan, which backfire as Vincent just wants to dispose of the other beast. Using his beasty senses, he manages to track down the other beast to a burning building, but the other beast has the home advantage and knocks Vincent out. Gabe and Catherine rush to help Vincent out out the hospital and find the other beast before he starts another fire.

Hothead was like a shippers note from the Batb writers in a way as Hothead put everything on stable ground to work from and probably eventually destroy. Although what matters is that Vincent and Catherine are together. Batb is slowly weaning out the lies between the two and finding a common place for them to be stable. I mean love isn't going to keep them afloat forever as relationships change over time as well as people. It is only true love that stays (says the inner romantic in me). Those two can't stay apart long either as disasters hit when they avoided the issue (ie Catherine kicking a federal judge, and Vincent losing against another beast). What Hothead also did was delve to the whole Gabe is human thing and to see if what Catherine did to Gabe by bringing him back would reverse the beast thing. Since it wasn't believable before, the idea was quickly shut down as there is no easy way out. Keep being a team player Gabe and stay that way. I really like this beast mythology with all the different beasts that appear in Batb. Last week it was a beast who could move fast, and this week, a beast who can survive the heat and use fire to his advantage. I wouldn't be surprised at this point to see an acid spiting beast. Hothead makes the second episode so far in a row that has resisted cheesy lines. See Batb, you can survive without cheesy lines that make us cringe and roll our eyes at.

Now there are some things I do want to rip at about Hothead. First, seriously Batb, Vincent just happens to also be a fireman? He quit medschool to be a fireman? Was the doctor thing not good enough for you?! It's like your shaping Vincent to be the prefect man or something. That or we'll soon see a movie called "Magic Vincent" (someone please make the poster for that). As I mentioned above the above we cane save Vincent with the defibrillator was a bit ridicules. I still don't believe that it brought Gabe back, and now he's crushing on Catherine. At least hes useful right? JT was mentioned this week, but was no where in sight. Where am I going to get my one liners?

Things are looking up for Batb this season and Hothead kept it going. By that I mean the good streak. Batb now has it's own beat mythology that is interesting (although nothing compared to Sleepy Hollow and Supernatural's mythology). Hothead brought VinCat to a good place this season and gave one of the most heartwarming scenes of the season near the end. You guys warm the inner veins of the heart. I am curious though how this will affect that rest of the season. Like what will Catherine's real daddy do? Will Vincent keep following orders? Will he let Catherine in? Will we go more into the SPOILERS? Ah the questions. See you all next week.

Did you think Gabe's plan would work? Whats your opinion on VinCat right now?

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