Thursday, May 16, 2013

Supernatural "Sacrifice": Everyone Is Feeling The Hurt

I think it's agreed that after Sacrifice all Supernatural fans were screaming "WHAT?!" and trying to contain all the feels from it. Despite that, Sacrifice was a great season finale for season 8, or rather season gr8. I think we knew what we were getting into the moment 'Carry On My Wayward Son' came on and Supernatural fans had a gigantic grin spread across their fans and sing/hum/swaying to the song. Sacrifice started off slowly but as got more into the story it started speeding off to the end where everything seemed to just explode. Well not physically, just emotionally. In the end, Sacrifice was all about what you were willing to do and give up to help others. So you are pretty much guaranteed some Winchester moments along with Castiel as they take on the third trial.

So Sacrifice continues with Crowley's mission to take out everyone the Winchesters have ever saved and next on the list is Sheriff Jody Mills. Crowley approaches Jody as her blind date and when she heads to the bathroom Crowley begins his hexing and calls the Winchesters up to make a deal. Dean agrees and asks Crowley to bring the angel tablet and to meet on familiar ground. The deal takes place where Bobby's used to be (nice little nudge there Supernatural) and Crowley pulls out a contract. Little does Crowley know the Winchester have a plan and Dean whips a pair of demon cuffs on Crowley. They take him to an abandoned church, place Crowley inside a devil's trap, and in demon chains. Crowley isn't going anywhere, so the Winchesters head outside to decide what to do next when Castiel shows up asking for help. Earlier on, Castiel and Metatron were waiting for Cupid to grab it's bow when Naomi shows up and grabs Metatron. Sam convinces Dean to go with Castiel and while Sam works on the third trial. This means 8 hours of Sam injecting Crowley with his purified blood very hour till then.

Supernatural is really good at giving us something and then taking it away from us. Lifting us up and dropping us off a cliff. Sacrifice was that as Supernatural pushed forward to the goal of closing the gates of Heaven and Hell. In all sense it was a race and like a football match at the same time as they were reaching the finish line. Sam and Dean had captured Crowley, and Dean was worried about Sam finishing this trial. I really do love the relationship between these boys and how Supernatural uses it as their central plot. It was a bit amusing to see Dean remind Sam of everything Sam has done wrong over the last few seasons (ie. Ruby, letting Lucifer out) and Sam was basically like 'thanks Dean for reminding of that'. The scene that really killed it was near the end where Sam reveals what his greatest sin was; letting Dean down. Ouch, thanks Supernatural. That was right in the feels. Then Dean responding to that just makes it worse. Then there Castiel, who is still awkward as ever as he is trying to help cupid come around faster by trying to help a man find love through ads. As I suspected though, Metatron isn't everything that he seems and is manipulating Castiel to help him SPOILERS. Poor Cas though, always trying to do the right thing and it ends up badly. What about Crowley. It is pure credit to Mark Sheppard to pulling off his character's transformation from the demon you know, to the almost good Crowley. At that point, I think Crowley needed a hug. In fact, I think everyone needs a hug. There is a lot more to Sacrifice that I can't possibly cover about how great it was, but fans everywhere had many things to be shocked about at the end.

Now what about Sacrifice made it seemed a bit flawed? There was the obvious slowness in the beginning, where at one point I begun to wonder if was going to be like this throughout Sacrifice. I also feared for a character's life that Supernatural (and Crowley threatened to end). Supernatural stop trying to kill off almost all of your female characters. Supernatural you also have to learn to stop making the Winchesters leave demons alone by themselves. Trouble usually follows when you do that, and you think they would learn after the first time with Abaddon.

Well, looks like Supernatural hellatus is about to begin, as Sacrifice threw a whole bunch of questions and opportunities up in the air. Like what going to happen to Sam? What will happen to Castiel? Will there be a wife #3? What will happen to Crowley? Is there some other shit I missed that will occur? My favourite line of the night has to be when Castiel asked Dean, "Do you really think it's wise to be drinking on the job?" And Dean responded, "What show have you been watching?" It was like Supernatural poking fun of itself. Think about it, you'll get it. This indeed has been a gr8 and am looking forward to seeing what season 9 will bring. Heads up guys, Supernatural is moving to Tuesdays at 9pm in the fall. Next week, a review of season 8 overall.

What are your predictions for season 9? What moment made you shocked the most?

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