Friday, May 17, 2013

Beauty and the Beast "Never Turn Back": Normal Is Overrated

Catherine wants normal. Vincent wants normal. Gabe wants normal. If Never Turn Back proved anything it is that normal is overrated in the Batb universe. Never Turn Back this week throws the Batb universe some twists and turns that left some questions in the air as well as create some mystery. But was this drama to just create drama? Now much as I enjoyed Never Turn Back, I feel Batb could have done more to make this finale impact us more and screaming up the walls. I'm talking finales like Arrow, and Supernatural here (which were fantastic). Then again though, Batb has to juggle with the VinCat relationship as well as Gabe and Murfield into one decent story. What can be said though is that Batb has come a long way since the Pilot and the second half of the season was Batb's true potential. That and it's never ending cheesy one liners that make you smile anyways.

So Never Turn Back takes place hours after the previous episode as Catherine and Vincent go out on a date in a small town while Vincent is still under the effects of the meds. Both of them are having a good time with each other, while remembering that this future was not possible. Elsewhere, Gabe and his lady friend Taylor (who exactly is she again?) was planning to kill Vincent so Gabe could live. As Vincent and Catherine return, Catherine gets a phone call from her father wanting to meet up. So heading to the meeting, Catherine sees her father (Roan what are you planning? Sorry Nikita reference) on the other side of the street, and surprise, he is pushed and hit by a car. At the hospital Catherine meets up with Heather and mentions she doesn't believe this was an accident and heads to investigate this. Elsewhere, JT has a feeling Gabe is up to no good and searches his place to discover that Gabe plans to kill Vincent to harvest him. So JT does what good friend does, and trashes the place. At the station Tess sees Catherine walk and Catherine informs Tess of her belief of what happened to her father wasn't an accident, but Murfield. Tess promises to look into it and makes Catherine go back to the hospital. The moment Catherine gets into the car to do so, Gabe happens to be in the car with a gun, ready to kidnap her to lure in Vincent.

Never Turn Back was charged with creating the roller coaster ride that was the finale as VinCat reached a high point and it went down hill from there. As you suspect, VinCat are always adorable together and I truly believe them together saved Batb from what the first half of season 1 was. If you think about it, probably one of the strongest elements to Batb. At this point, these two are looking towards what their future could have and the possibility of Vincent being cured. It was adorable to see Catherine getting excited about this and having the idea of settling down in a small town with Vincent. Essentially leaving everyone behind in the process. Then when Catherine gets kidnapped by Gabe, you see Vincent willing to put his life on the line to save Catherine, despite his abilities down for the count. Not to mention willing to let his beast ability go away for a future with Catherine despite it being the only thing that can save her. I have to say that the little twist about Catherine's father was a surprise to me and it wasn't as cheesy as it could have been. Although it makes you wonder if this was the secret that Evan discovered back in Heart of Darkness instead of Catherine's mother's grave being moved. That would be much more impressive. So does that mean Vincent knows about this new mysterious man?

Now I feel that Never Turn Back could have been a better finale for Batb with a couple of changes. Normally a finale should be something that rocks the boat, causes intense emotional reaction from the fans, and change the format of the series. Batb did this, but I feel that there could have been a bit more to make it hit harder than it did. First, intriguing as the whole father is not the real father thing, I think it's real purpose was to create drama about it and get the viewer ready. This plot point tends to be used a lot in series, but luckily Batb was able to pull it off without being too forefront about it. Now we need to talk about the net scene. This scene could have been the thing that could have been the thing that send fans into a deep emotional spiral that sends them screaming for season 2. Yes it was an 'oh crap' moment but it could have been more touching. I'm taking like Vincent trying to break free instead of giving up easily, and Catherine trying to grab Vincent's hand desperately or trying to get him free instead of watching him go. Girl fight for your man. The surprising death at the end, wasn't so surprising. I think we all knew it was going to happen.

Well Beasties, that is season 1 of Beauty and the Beast and it has been a journey. At least Never Turn Back didn't end up with VinCat spilt up, like in a relationship sense, as they were stronger than ever. I didn't expect that at the end of the season I would actually like Tess, but hey, it's a nice turn of events. The questions now left at the end of Never Turn Back are, who was that mysterious man? What will happen to VinCat? What will Team VinCat do now? Will Batb repeat the first half of season 1 or the second? See you all in season 2.

Do you survive the finale? What are your predictions for season 2?

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