Thursday, May 9, 2013

Supernatural "Clip Show": The Helpless Kind of Feeling

My god Supernatural, can't you keep anyone alive or try not to hurt the fans? This week on Clip Show, we saw our love to hate King of Hell make his move against the Winchesters, as well as Castiel teaming up with Metatron to do something about Heaven. Castiel also reminded us this week of why we all love him so much as a character ( cough cough shopping fail). Clip Show saw the Winchester reaching the end goal and just when they had it in their grasp, it was gone. And there was nothing they could do about it without some serious consequences. Near the end of Clip Show we saw the Winchester get kicked down and weren't sure if they should get back up again. It really hurts us all when we see our heroes kicked down like that. And us in the feels.

So Supernatural didn't waste time with bringing back a familiar face of Tommy (Wendigo) as he heads to a cabin with his girlfriend. He is still traumatized by the events of Wendigo and gets ready to fight one off when something happens, and he, well, explodes. Back at Lair Winchester (my name for the men of letters hideout), Sam and Dean look up ways to save a demon for the final trial. When they notice they are running out of food, Castiel, who is staying with them, offers to go get some, but Dean refuses the offer. Dean adds to the point that he is angry about Castiel up and abandoning them. Then Sam finds a case labeled "weird!!!" and the boys go to investigate and find the file and a dungeon. They soon find a video of priests working to save a demon using a chant and blood. So the Winchesters head out to a church to talk to the Priest's understudy for the research and find a audio recording of the Priest working. They soon find that the Priest's methods worked and decided to get a demon of their own, Abaddon. Meanwhile Castiel meets up with Metatron (after making a mess in a connivence store), who tell Castiel of his plan to make the angels "kiss and make up" by closing the gates of heaven.

Supernatural really knows how to work a plot that makes it's fans react in many different ways. Clip Show made us laugh, confused, hate a character and sad on the inside. Am I missing an emotion here? No? Ok, moving on. This whole close the gates of hell thing has been going on for a while now and the Winchester have been unstoppable throughout the trails. You could see the hope in their eyes when they figured out the final trial and were about to work it when it hit the fan. Crowley decides to take the one thing that matters from the Winchesters away from them; the people they saved. So one by one, Crowley kills them all using, the book series "Supernatural". That was bound to happen eventually right? How could the villains just ignore the books about their most hated siblings. Although it was Sarah who would really drive the sense of hopelessness home for the boys. Now we need to talk about Metatron. I don't know what exactly to think of him. Does he have a hidden agenda? Does he really know nothing? Is there a way to re-open heaven? Is there a way to re-open hell? Anyways, whatever he and Castiel are doing I have this feeling it's not going to end well. Speaking of Castiel, who loved that scene of him shopping and basically trashing the place unintentionally? Not to mention buying all of Dean's favourite things. Oh Castiel, you are just too precious for words.
Now there were some plot holes about Clip Show that made this episode still have some wrinkles in it. First did anyone notice when the Winchesters were rushing about to save people how Sam seemed not to suffer from the trials? It was like his emotional pain topped his physical pain. Then again, Supernatural spent a few episodes painting Sam as weak and sick due to the trials. Next, why would you leave Abadon alone with her hands nearby? It was obvious the moment they leave the room and the box near started moving that Abadon wasn't going to be sticking around for long. Although it was kinda cool and creepy at the same time. Finally, I love how easy it is that Metatron knows all the trials when Supernatural has been wasting an entire season waiting for Kevin to translate them. Makes Kevin a bit  right? Supernatural if you kill Kevin Tran, we are going to have a problem.

So now it's a showdown between the Winchesters and Crowley as lives are on the line for the following decisions. It was cool that Clip Show brought back from familiar faces this week as fan's cries were answered with Sarah Blake's return. Not to mention Castiel now is on a mission that could end badly. The best line of the night goes to Castiel with, "I need pie". That line is just too good. Next week is the season finale, so ready your feels cause it's going to be a bumpy ride. Fun fact though, both Supernatural and Arrow's finales are called Sacrifice. Is this on purpose, or an accident? Damn you Crowley.

What was your favourite line of the night? What's your theory on Metatron?

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