Thursday, February 21, 2013

Supernatural "Man's Best Friend with Benefits": New Kinds of Weird

By all means this week's episode of Supernatural was a filler while briefly touching on Dean's issue of Sam taking the trials. Man's Best Friend With Benefits was essentially about a cop, Kevin (I call him Sexy Cop) who the Winchesters helped in the past (off screen) who later turn to witchcraft and got himself a familiar. So Dean is forced to face the two things he hates: dog, and witches. Also who knew Dean was allegoric to cats? Well they make him squeeze, but same thing right? Much as Man's Best Friend With Benefits was a good addition to season 8 of Supernatural, it didn't feel like it was up there with the rest of the season. In a way, Supernatural kinda let itself go with Man's Best Friend With Benefits.

So Man's Best Friend With Benefits started off with a man murdering another, but the man wakes up thinking it to be a dream. Until he discovers something that connects him to the murders in the trash (duh duh duh). So Kevin's familiar Partia takes the initiative to get help from the Winchesters and surprises them in their motel room. When I surprise I mean she sneaks into the room and turns from a dog to a woman. Surprised to hear that Kevin turned to witchcraft, and doubtful about his innocence, they agree to help. Although Kevin is sure of his guilt and is wary of the help the Winchesters offer. So they split up and begin their own investigation into it. Sam hits the police station while Dean and Portia head to a witches bar. Basically soon figure something is up and someone is setting Kevin up.

There were a few things about Man's Best Friend With Benefits that worked this week that saved this episode from becoming a complete disaster. There is the obvious Winchester storyline of Dean wanting to save Sam from having to do the trials and is still gunning to take part in them in Sam's place. Sure it's the same song, different season, but it doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt us on the inside. Which by the way Supernatural decided that it would be a good idea to have a montage of sad scenes. Supernatural,  fans and Tumblr felt you. It was also cool to see some more of the witch world and familiar. My fav has to go to that cat whose final words were, "don't hurt my face".

Now Supernatural really dropped the ball with Man's Best Friend With Benefits as it juggled with the storyline and arc. I felt that Supernatural rushed the beginning in to get the story moving. Not to mention the random Dean asking Sam if he is okay scenes. I think Supernatural could have eased into those scenes a bit more smoother than they did. Now what I found really weird and awkward was the whole relationship between Kevin and Portia. It seemed out of place (despite the title of the episode), confusing and, ah, weird. I'm not going to even make sense of it. On a final note, it seems like Dean doesn't like any pets since cats make him squeeze.

Anyways, Supernatural has room to redeem itself and never back there again. I think Man's Best Friend With Benefit was saved thanks to Dean's quips and the usual Winchester angst. Also, that title is way too long. Anyways, season 8 has been great so far, so lets sweep this one under the rug and wait for the next episode which has a much better title; Remember The Titans. Yes, it's named after the movie. Yes, there will be Greek gods. Heads up, Supernatural is going on hiatus after next week, so prepare yourself.

Did the ending make you hurt on the inside? Would you like a familiar?

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