Thursday, May 9, 2013

Arrow "Darkness on the Edge of Town": Time To Stop Malcolm

This week with Darkness on the Edge of Town, Arrow decided to build up it's season's arc to a peak. Readying itself for next week's season finale of Arrow. Can you believe that we are only one episode away from finishing up season 1 of Arrow? It seems just like yesterday that Arrow premiered and everyone was treated to Oliver's lovely pack of abs (one of his many workout scenes). Now Oliver and the gang know about the undertaking and what it entails now. Only thing left is to stop Malcolm from bringing it about. For you shippers, you must love how Oliver/Laurel turned out this week. I'm not happy about the little Thea/Roy break up. Go Team Oliver!

So Darkness on the Edge of Town began with Oliver and his team digging through his mother's file in order to discover the nature of the undertaking. When nothing comes up, Oliver decides it's time to confront his mother about the undertaking as himself. Oliver asks, but Moria warns Oliver off, telling him it's too dangerous for him to get close. Soon after he and Moira are drugged and brought to a place where they are interrogated by the "Hood" (Diggle in costume sighting). Moira eventually reveals that Malcolm plans to level the glades by creating an man made earthquake there. Though in order to stop it, they need to know where the device is and Felicity begins hacking the severs. When that fails, Team Oliver heads in to hack in to the sever manually. Meanwhile Thea and Roy are looking for the vigilante and Laurel is thinking about getting back with Oliver. On the island, the gang has been taken and Fyers plans to shoot down a Chinese airline.

Darkness of the Edge of Town saw Arrow moving into action as it's heroes were no longer in wait and springing into action to stop what evil plans Malcolm has for the city. This week we saw a functioning Team Oliver as they worked to figure out what the hell was going on. They even went as far as getting Diggle to kidnap Oliver and Moira as the Hood to get answers. Glad that Diggle is back on the team again, and how they are all working nicely together to get the job done. The whole breaking in thing with them was quite awesome as they covered all the bases (Oliver has a meeting, Felicity a burger girl, and Diggle a burger lovin' security guard). Now we need to talk about Walter. I really love how Walter didn't pretend everything was alright as he was still ticked about Moira lying to him, and it didn't help that Moira had a hand in his abduction too. So when Walter gave Moira SPOILERS, I am cheering (not that I dislike Moira). On the positive relationship side, we finally saw some development on the Oliver/Laurel relationship as Laurel realizes she might still be in love with Oliver. On the other side of the coin, Oliver realizes he needs to stop pulling away from Laurel and be true to his feelings. Now we need to talk about Malcolm,  John Barrowman really does an excellent job of convincing the audience of his character's motivations and the lengths he's willing to go to obtain his goal. Malcolm is no run of the mill villain either as he proves that Team Oliver is not going to defeat him by ordinary means.

Now what about Darkness on the Edge of Town did not work too well. I would like to bring up the matter of Arrow giving Oliver the idea of hanging his hood up for good. Yes it sounds good coming out of Oliver's mouth, but could it really happen? I personally don't think so, and believe the writers just used it as a plot point to get Laurel and Oliver together. Think about it, Oliver has spent so much time saving people that he is just going to turn around and not? That's not him and he needs a REAL good reason for stopping. Though a double life does take it's toll I guess. Also not happy about Roy and Thea's break up, and Roy's attitude about it. Also Thea, why promise something you know is not going to end well or have your heart fully into it?

With a cliffhangery ending of Darkness on the Edge of Town, Arrow will reach it's season finale next week as everything unfolds. At least we have Team Oliver right? Right CW? As for line of the night, it goes to Felicity with "I imagined you saying that under different circumstances. Very platonic... circumstances", after Oliver said "hold onto me tight". Haha Felicity. One more week of Arrow everyone!

What are your predictions for the finale of Arrow? Are you glad Oliver/Laurel is a thing now?

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