Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Doctor Who "Nightmare in Silver": Doctor Vs. Cyber Doctor

The Cybermen are back. What is a season of Doctor Who without an reappearance of one of the two (or both) of the Doctor's old foes? Nightmare in Silver saw the return of the Cybermen who threaten the very balance of the universe. Well that is if they are able to gather enough power and parts. Nightmare in Silver also saw additions to the normal traveling crew with the Doctor of Clara's two kids she watches comes with after blackmailing Clara into coming. Nightmare in Silver really benefited though from the acting talent of Matt Smith as he had to portray two different characters who could change the tide of the episode. Clara also helped by being her lovely self and her possible love connection with the Doctor?? Ok, Doctor, are you thinking of cheating on River Song? Or not, depending what timeline it is.

So Nightmare in Silver skipped the whole kids seeing the Tardis for the first time and went right for the amusement park in space. Which shouldn't surprise anyone, but the park was closed down and there was no fun to be seen. This is when a man named Webley pops out asking if they are his ride home. When the Doctor answers no, Webley hide and a platoon of soldiers storm in informing everyone that this planet is on lockdown. After some flashing of the psychic paper, they are on their way again, meeting up with Webley again, who shows them his latest attraction; the chess playing Cyberman. The Doctor gets ready to defend against the Cyberman, but Webley assures it's harmless due to it being empty. When the Doctor is off camera, we see this cyber insects crawl out of it. Soon the Doctor decides to explore and find that something is up while elsewhere the Cybermen begin to make their move. They grab the children and begin starting their mission to assimilate people.

Nightmare in Silver really was just a quick little nudge towards the finale while using some unique elements to Doctor Who to tell it. What really did the trick was the whole two sides of the Doctor thing they had going. Unlike previously done (please correct me if wrong), this is the first time we have seen two different Doctors in one body (I believe last time was two different bodies). We had, the Doctor and the Cyberman version of the Doctor fighting for control of this one body. This even gave us little nods towards previous doctors ("Fantastic" "Allons-y"). This was credit to Matt Smith for creating this inner turmoil and giving life to his characters. I bet the Doctor was surprised to hear that he was no longer safe from the Cybermen. I remember back in Closing Time the Doctor mentioned that he wasn't compatible with the process. We're not going to overlook Clara as she really held herself during the whole Cybermen attack and became a leader. Nightmare In Silver was also essential in getting the audience ready for the finale as it popped up the question that should never be asked.

Now what about Nightmare In Silver made the episode seem so MEH. I understand that Doctor Who feels the need to bring back old foes, but apparently we can't survive without a sighting of Daleks and Cybermen. Not that I hate them, it's just something I like to point out. Not to mention every season Doctor Who feels the need to redesign the Cybermen. I get they are trying to tie it back to the previous seasons, but Cybermen didn't look good back then (they were just painted men). So I'm not sure why they changed it from something from Closing Time to this.
The previous one is a bit more bad ass. Now we need to talk about Clara and the Doctor. I think the writers are trying to play with the relationship here and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Wasn't there days where the companion wasn't in love with the Doctor? Doctor Who can survive without the companion being in love with the Doctor and Amy and Rory was a good example of this (when they actually got together). We'll see how that relationship pans out.

Can you believe the finale is after Nightmare in Silver? I didn't and the little nod towards the finale made me quickly remember the end is coming. There has been no word on renewal yet, but I read that Moffat was mentioning renewal is coming. Best line of the night goes to Clara when she is asked if she trusted the Doctor (Clara: I trust the Doctor.  Captain: You think he knows what he's doing? Clara: I'm not sure I'd go that far.). In short, Nightmare in Silver was really a filler episode so we all get our feels ready for a Moffat finale. For those of you who don't know what a Moffat finale is, it is a finale that messes with your mind, body and soul and you leave it confused and with some answers. That's accurate no? See you all next week for the finale.

What was your favourite Doctor moment? What do you think of the Cybermen in Nightmare in Silver?

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