Monday, May 20, 2013

Doctor Who "The Name of the Doctor": A Lot Kinda Happened

I'm not sure what exactly just happened in The Name of the Doctor, but I'm pretty sure Moffat just pulled one over on us. Like big time and now we're gonna have to wait till the fall to get some answers. In a way The Name of the Doctor was an answer to the previous finale as well as who Clara actually was. I have to say that this was the first finale to ever confuse me rather leaving me in my own emotions trying to figure out what exactly just happened. It was a good finale nevertheless. We saw familiar faces of Vastra, Jenny, Strax, and River Song, as they teamed up to help the Doctor.

So The Name of the Doctor began with a montage of Clara appearing every where saving the various doctor mentioning how she is the impossible girl. Elsewhere in London, Vastra visits a criminal who says he has whispers of the Doctor's secret, a secret the Doctor will take to his grave. So one by one they gather (Vastra, Jenny, Strax, Clara and River Song) and discuss the information Vastra discovered; coordinates of the Doctor's greatest secret. This is when the Whispermen attack and everyone is forced to wake up due to the danger. River entrusts Clara is pass this information along to the Doctor. When Clara wakes up, the Doctor is at the house as the kids had pulled one over on him, and Clara tells him what happened. Th Doctor is shocked at this news and tears up, and leaves for the Tardis. Clara follows and asks what it means and the Doctor reveals it's the one place he cannot go; his grave. The Doctor decides to go anyways though to save this friends and they come to a graveyard. This is when the Whispermen make their move and the Doctor is forced to travel through his tomb.

The Name of the Doctor is an excellent example of what Doctor Who and Moffat are compatible of. The true testament to this episode was the skill of the actors telling this story. I'm talking about Matt Smith and the actress who played Jenny. The scene where she announces she thinks she was murdered had this eerie feeling to it that kinda stays in your mind. With Matt Smith, it was him portraying the Doctor's horror and sadness of hearing about how someone is trying to force him to cross his own timeline to save his friends. Even the scene between him and River Song was fantastic as they ever finally given some closure there. Now Clara, we finally get an answer to why she is the impossible girl, and it's quite a simple one as Doctor Who pulls it's off in it's own fashion. It's all summed up in one phase, "I was born to save the Doctor". There is not much I can say without ruining the surprise or spoiling it too much. Now the ending of The Name of the Doctor is just beyond me as Moffat really pulled one over on all of us and left us confused. I am still confused by what on earth just happened. Loved the idea of Tardis being the Doctor's tomb.

Now what about The Name of the Doctor wasn't so great? I feel that the little opening about Clara, much as it looked cool, gave a little bit too much away and gave the viewer a hint to this surprise Moffat has been teasing us for the whole season. It's like having a 'fill in the blank' with you just having to find the right piece, and leaving the surprise a little bit unsatisfying. The use of Dr. Simeon was a bit uneasy. He was this big bad who only returned to kinda kill himself at the end to destroy the Doctor. I swear his true power is to talk people to death and get them to do things. I mean, couldn't he be a bit more of a threat? Sure destroying the Doctor in that way is bad, but the character needs more to do than that.

So with the WTF ending of The Name of the Doctor, we're gonna have to wait until we get some serious answers and knowing Moffat, he's going to drag it out. There probably a bunch of theories floating around the internet on what just happened. My favorite line from The Name of the Doctor came from that scene the Doctor says, " But not in the name of the Doctor." That line just sent chills up my spine. So we'll see what happens in season 8 and the 50 year anniversary. See you all in the fall.

Whats your theory on the ending? Which Doctor Who finale is your favorite?

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