Friday, February 15, 2013

Beauty and the Beast "Trust No One": Doing The Right Thing

In theme of Valentine's day, Beauty and the Beast decided to have the general theme of romance in the air in Trust No One. So whether it was Heather waiting for the prefect man, Tess and her fling with Joe, or the most important story of them all, Vincent making it up to Cat for the whole Alex thing. So VinCat fans were certainly ready for some wooing on Vincent's part. Trust No One was also in charge of tying up the Alex arc as her character leaves Beauty and the Beast. Not that I liked her much, but Alex did help in the department of VinCat in her own way. Hate the love triangle, not the actress thrown into it.

So the episode opens with Alex staying at a hotel when she gets a phone call from Catherine to meet her down stairs in her car. Catherine warns Alex about the danger she is in and that Alex needs to stay off the grid in order to survive. Back at her place, Vincent pops in and they talk about Alex and Vincent once again mentions that he was never really into Alex, but the fantasy she represented. As we didn't believe it, neither did Catherine as she told Vincent that she doesn't trust him to be always there to catch her when she falls. The next day, ignoring Catherine's advice, Alex seeks out a journalist friend for help on Vincent and unknowingly putting herself on Murfield's radar. So when Catherine walks on the scene of the friend's murder and discovers Alex's connection, she isn't too happy. Catherine soon sets out on her usual protect Vincent routine, while Vincent is concern with winning back Catherine and proving that he really does care.

I felt that the strongest part of Trust No One was the Vincent/Catherine dynamic as they dealt with the after burns of the fire storm that was Alex. When I say that, I mean the emotional turmoil. Catherine continues to prove that she wasn't a push over and give in to Vincent right away despite his efforts. This fell more into the line of what her character was stated to be of a tough as nails cop. On the Vincent side of things,  he finally realized the mistake he made, and worked to make it up to Catherine. It is clear they both care for each other, and it's up to them to overcome this. There is nothing like a flash mob to clear up the tension. It really is amazing to see how well these two work together despite the romantic relationship. Vincent knows that Catherine will always be there to help him as well as being there for him. As for Catherine, she cares deeply for Vincent and willing to do anything for him. She also trust Vincents in her own way and knows Vincent does what he thinks is right. Finally, Evan has officially discovered that his girlfriend is a spy.

Now Trust No One wasn't my favorite episode, but it wasn't completely terrible. I really do feel like the Tess and Joe relationship is forced and came out of no where. Like it was just created to fill a cliche and time. There is no good outcome for that relationship. This is probably coming from my general dislike of Tess though. Other that, Heather becomes a more slightly hated character too by the end of the episode to her SPOILER in on the SPOILER.

What matters in the end is the relationship between Vincent and Catherine right? Relationships are hard, and Trust No One showcased that nicely. A round of applause for Bridget Regan who bows out after this episode as Alex. It is very hard to play the third wheel to a already established relationship and turn it into a love triangle. So show some respect and don't go hating on Bridget Regan for her character. So I'm looking forward to see how the relationship plays out, in addition to seeing how Evan's situation turns out. I forgot about Evan didn't I? He did have a minor role this week, but it wasn't for nothing.

What do you think Batb has in store for Evan? What did you think of the flash mob? What did you think of Alex's departure?

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