Thursday, February 14, 2013

Supernatural "Trial and Error": Wishes and Sacrifice

Remember the old days of when Dean was all about protecting Sammy? Supernatural certainly did as Trial and Error brought it back in a way that just hurts us on the inside. Between the boys getting a home and willing to lay everything on the line to protect people, Trial and Error was a good edition to the already gr8 season 8 of Supernatural. Trial and Error also managed to scare fans for the first time in a while, which was awesome. You have to admit it, that scene was most definitely creepy. Supernatural continues to prove that it can balance a main storyline as well as the angst and humor at once. In a way, Trial and Error lead us to believe this would be a fun episode in a way, but as it kept going, we soon realized our feels were about to get a ride. Fun right?

Trial and Error opens with my favorite recurring character Kevin Tran as he continues to decipher the word of god to close the gates of hell forever. He soon figures it out and calls Dean with the update. Back at the "batcave" (men of letters place), Dean is making his room to his liking, including a memory foam bed ("It's memory foam. It remembers me") and when Kevin calls, Dean is making lunch. They soon rush over to Garth's house boat and find Kevin in not so great shape. Back on his feet, Kevin reveals that the tablets mention that there is three trials a person must take in order to close the gates of hell. The one he deciphered says you must bathe in the blood of a hellhound and say a chant. So the Winchester search for, anything that is too good to be true and find a farm that suddenly struck oil. They head to the farm and search for the one who made the deal, but they soon discover that more than one deal was struck that day.

I was half inclined to title this review "Dean-isms" as Trail and Error felt like Dean's moment to shine. We saw Dean finally settling down in his own place and getting his own room to do whatever he wanted with it. Whatever it was hanging guns on the wall, having a memory foam bed, or placing a picture of Mary on his desk. Dean was content with himself. Then he was thrown into a farm in order to find a hell hound and was unhappy. Not that I like Dean unhappy, it's just how Dean deals with it is so funny. For instance telling a horse, "I hate you", or taking a look at a old room and muttering, "I miss my room". Good old Dean. Then Dean went down a dark path and told Sam he doesn't see a happy ending to this which is why he should be the one to do the trials. Dean fans every had their feels hurting. What about Sam though? As much as Dean wanted to protect him, it's not Sam nature to stand by and watch. Trial and Error saw Sam finally saving Dean from hellhounds like he wanted to back in Season 3's finale. Mission Accomplished. In the end though, the Wnchesters are going to need to stick together if they want to see this through.

Now as much as I like the whole protect Sammy side of Dean, I felt that he was too eager to throw his life away. I mean, Dean survived Purgatory just to throw his life away like nothing? I really do like the Winchesters protecting each other, but Dean needs to learn to live than die. The thought is appreciated Dean though. I would also like to mention that people shouldn't be surprised that Dean has some cooking skills since he did live like a normal person back in season 6. In fact, in Exile On Main Street the opening montage has Dean cooking, so its not the first time. It has been a while though.

So Winchesters unite to fight the good fight! With Dean's determination and Sam's positive thinking (its a miracle I know), the Winchesters are still moving forward on the attack. Although predictions are coming in we might see a Winchester death soon. I have to admit, it feels weird to see that element gone from Supernatural. Not that I like them dying all the time, it was kinda like an inside joke (oh no they died for the 5th time). Ok, now I sound like a jerk. Anyways, I enjoyed Trial and Error as it gave me the chills, laughs and the feels all in one hour. I am looking forward to seeing the road ahead for the Winchesters. Which includes season 9.

What did you think of the hellhounds? Were you hurting on the inside after this episode?

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