Thursday, November 29, 2012

Supernatural 'Hunteri Heroici': It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Hurt

Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed this week's episode of Supernatural. Not only that, but it's safe to say that Supernatural has gotten it's edge back from season 7 as Hunteri Heroici delivered the goods. Well between the Sam flashbacks anyways. Speaking of which, despite being random, Sam's flashbacks did have a purpose this episode as it played out later. Castiel fans, this was your episode was you saw Castiel, well being Castiel. Which was awesome.

So Supernatural returned with our favorite trio, making a pit stop when Castiel informs the Winchester that he is going to become a hunter. After a chuckle from Cas even saying that, Castiel points out to the boys that he had found a case to investigate as well. So the hunting trio head to investigate the murder and head to the morgue. There Castiel does what every hunter checks for, but for some reason, it's funny watching him trying to be a hunter. Things take a more humorous turn when Castiel tries to be "bad cop", and fails (but in fans' hearts). When another strange death happens, the hunting trio (my name for the Winchesters and Cas) find that something, "loony", is going on in town.

I had no doubt in my mind that Hunteri Heroici was going to be a very funny episode, and Supernatural didn't let me down. There are just so many scenes I can point out that were so funny and awesome. Furthermore, the real hero of this episode was Castiel as he was thrown into something he didn't understand, and then had to make sense of it. Like when he was watching cartoons and referenced it to men trying to reach God and God just smiting him. Pretty sure that was not how he said it, but it something like that. Between the jokes about having slumber parties and braiding Sam's hair, this happened:

Now when the old lady said the cat didn't say nice things, you probably thought she was crazy. Castiel takes this seriously though and interrogates the cat on what happened. The ultimate showdown, Castiel verses the cat. When Dean pulls Cas away from the cat, moments later, the Cat says, "Dumb Ass". I didn't expect that, and was laughing so hard after that scene. The best quote of the night goes to though, "You brought a gun to a gag fight". I think that said it all.

Now as much as I love Hunter Heroici, there were some things I have issues with. It's not many though. Once again, there is issue with the Sam flashbacks, cause once again there is no chemistry between Sam and Amelia. Supernatural tried to make a connection between the two by getting Jared to throw a "baby" in there, but didn't work (because I know he calls his real life wife that). In a way I think they are hiding away with each other. The bright side is that these flashbacks weren't completely pointless as it helped us believe Sam's motivation. Not to mention the little kick in the pants Sam gets at the end of the episode when he hears some very surprising news. Last, but not least, did Supernatural really have to throw in the little scene between Dean and Cas to talk about what happened? For me it felt a bit random like Sam's flashbacks.

So next week is the Mid Season Finale of Supernatural. I'm not kidding when I say that. After Citizen Fang, Supernatural won't return until January 5, 2013. We'll see the return of Benny and Sam's suspicions next week. Unfortunately, Castiel is taking a break and won't be appearing in next week's episode. For now, I'll keep giggling about this one and will store some of it's lines in my Supernatural quotes memory bank. You know, for a rainy day. Or random moments.

Do you think Castiel was breaking the cat? What was your favorite line from the episode?

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