Friday, November 30, 2012

Beauty and the Beast 'Out Of Control': Vincent Has It Hard

Wow. Beauty and the Beast has come a long way since it's Pilot with Out of Control. Overall, Out of Control was a great episode as Vincent's black outs continued to be a problem for everyone. I have to say that Out of Control is one of my favorite episodes of this season as Beauty and the Beast has finally figures out properly use what they have to achieve good episodes. Not to mention at this point I'm shipping Catherine and Vincent so hard. I also feel that Out of Control could be a turning point in Beauty and the Beast for something I don't know yet.

Out of Control takes to a college party where a couple wanders out and finds a dead body on campus. We take a trip next to the sexy side of New York where Vincent is taking a shower and TJ finds Vincent's bloody clothes on the floor. TJ is obviously scared, and Vincent walks into the room (shirtless might I add). Vincent informs TJ that he blacked out again, and TJ begins doing tests on Vincent to find out whats wrong. During the test, Vincent blacks out and goes beast mode on TJ, forcing TJ to traq Vincent. Moments after Catherine shows up, and informs TJ that there was a murder on campus. Obviously not picking up on TJ weirdness, Catherine leaves. So Catherine and Tess continue their investigation, and Vincent happens to pop onto the scene, and tells Catherine that he might actually be the killer. Thus informing Catherine of the black outs hes been having.

I just love how well Vincent and Catherine's relationship has developed. I had a feeling from the beginning that the relationship would grew, even though all the episode where BatB went "opps". You can see how much they care for each other by their actions. Catherine was willing to put her case aside to help Vincent as well as willing to cover up what Vincent has done in order to protect him. Vincent is willing to help Catherine despite the fact that he is still having black outs. Speaking of the black outs, I love how this new element brings this intensity to the show, and it's not sugar coated or brushed to the side (so far). No one is really safe from Vincent when he has these black outs, and Catherine found this out. The ending of this episode broke my heart as Vincent was forced into a corner, literally.

Now there was couple hiccups Out of Control did for filler space. You know, to fill space in the episode that did not involve the main plot, but rather to waste time. The obvious one was the firefighter calender thing that Tess dragged Catherine to. She was on the right track by asking where Catherine always went, but then she thought of half naked men for each month. Not to mention that little Catherine looked so small compared to all the tall men around her, which was actually funny. There were a couple of plot points too that bothered me. One, Vincent went quite easily into his black out, since the others were so much more, well random, and more intense. Two, some detective Catherine is, not figuring out that something is wrong with TJ.

Beauty and the Beast has officially got me hooked, well if it wasn't obvious before. As long as there is no love triangles, I'm good. I am also thankful that the writers have learned from their mistakes in previous episodes, and giving the good stuff now. Just please keep it going. I have this hunch that Evan might become essential to the plot. I kinda want him to help, but he could also make life very hard for them too. Not sure how, but writers, don't screw it up.

How do you think Evan will play out in the general scheme? Did your heart break a little at the end?

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