Saturday, November 3, 2012

Beauty and the Beast 'Basic Instinct': Days Like These

We all knew episodes like this were on their way for Beauty and the Beast. Just when the plot was about to get a bit better, Beauty and the Beast kinda just threw it in the garbage and took a different direction. Once again, the crime story took a backseat to Catherine and Vincent's plight. Despite all its downfalls, Basic Instinct helped the central character realize that it isn't about them, but how the ones they care about are affected. Man, relationships.

So Basic Instinct take us to the city where Vincent is roaming again in the streets, when he hears a heart slowing down. So Vincent races to find the source in all his super human glory and finds a boy in a dumpster on the verge of death. Being the hero of the moment, Vincent manages to get the kid to the hospital in time to save the kid's life. On the other side of the city, the New York Police department is practicing for their game against the fire department. Now enter girl stereotype, Catherine who can't hit a ball at bat. This is where I really wish Beauty and the Beast didn't go into. It really annoys me that the tough as nails cop is such a girl in baseball, and that BatB choose to portray their main character like this.

Back to the episode, Catherine meets Vincent in the forest who informs her about the boy he saved. So Catherine begins her investigation, by herself since it was a more obvious split from her partner, and is jumped by Murfield. She is soon questioned by Silver Fox (seriously what kind of name is that?) about Vincent. She first plays hard to get for a minute into the questioning, but then gives in easily that she knows Vincent and basically confirms Vincent is alive. So Silver Fox shows her what Vincent had done, and tells her that they'll tell her the truth about her mother for Vincent. They release her on the condition that she sends Vincent their way. I like the fact that in Basic Instinct that Catherine didn't hold information back from Vincent and told him about Murfield grabbing her. Catherine even goes as far as telling Vincent to leave for his own safety. She didn't even mention what they offered about her mother (although I think that is just the plot forgetting that detail). Vincent is soon forced to deal with the decision to leave, or stay.

Despite Basic Instinct not being my favorite episode of the season, there are some good qualities to it that give the episode some purpose. I feel that Catherine and Vincent understand their relationship more as well as each other. Vincent understands that he will put Catherine in danger, but he knows he can help and protect her. Catherine realizes what Vincent has done, but knows Vincent is a good person despite his condition. I also loved JT finally going to Team Catherine and teaming up with her to save Vincent. On that topic, Catherine for once did not need saving on her part, but kicked some serious ass.

I think I mentioned above some of my dislikes of the episode, and how I felt this episode was the weakest so far. First and foremost, how can Vincent walk around the city without worries he'll be caught on security cameras? Isn't there cameras like everywhere? Next, I really want to stress that I didn't like the baseball plot in this episode. It was just saying, "yet another girl on tv who can't play baseball". So Beauty and the Beast, next time, leave out the sports. Did anyone notice the fact that Vincent recovered really quickly after killing Silver Fox? I guess it was because BatB ran out of time, but could they at least make it seem like he just got over it rather than A-ok?

I have high hopes for this series, I really do, but when we get episodes like this, I loose some hope. I will continue to watch Beauty and the Beast since it has a special place in my heart. Despite all it's downfalls, there is good too, and no, I will not list them. Next week, Saturn Returns airs.

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