Thursday, November 1, 2012

Supernatural 'Blood Brothers': Flashbacks Take Center Stage

After Bitten, Supernatural heads back into its main story as Blood Brothers brings Dean's Purgatory buddy Benny to the front. In addition to Purgatory flashbacks with the missed, Castiel. Fans get a look at Sam's life in his year off this episode, and its much more than what we got in Heartache. Blood Brothers even had a little something for fans of the new character Benny as we got more back story on him. More than anything, Blood Brothers is just the tip of the iceberg that could possibility be the Winchester Bros.

So Blood Brothers kicked this week with Benny as he was hunting his own kind in search for his maker. Things don't go as planned though Benny is severly wounded and calls Dean for assistance. On the Winchester front, they are still on the hunt for Kevin Tran who is continuously evading them at every turn. Which makes sense, since as Sam put it, Kevin used to be in advanced placement. Then Dean gets a call from Benny and tells Sam that he needs to leave. This angers and confuses Sam as he tells Dean that they have more important things to do, like finding Kevin. Dean soon snaps back at Sam that he needs a day off and its fair since Sam took a year off. Dean soon drives off to assist Benny, who is hiding in a ship.

So as Dean and Benny go after Benny's maker and his vampirates, Blood Brothers goes through a variety of flashbacks. Before we go into that, we get a bit of back story on our neighborhood friendly vampire Benny. Like how he used to be a vampirate but fell in love and left the nest. This eventually led this his death. Now I don't normally go into flashbacks in episodes, but Blood Brothers was flashback heavy. We saw Castiel, Dean and Benny head towards the portal out as they are attacked from all sides. On the not so Purgatory side, we saw a handyman Sam as he stayed at the motel and ran into fellow motel resident, Amelia. It was nice to see what Sam did with his year, and how he and Amelia connected.

With Blood Brothers, flashbacks were a stronger part of this episode as well as the rocky relationship between the Winchesters. In fact, they were my favorite part about the episode aside from Dean using Sam's voice as bait for vampires. It was a real constant between the brother's time apart and how Supernatural chooses to show them. The one scene that really stood out for me was the screen where Dean flashbacks to Purgatory as he, Benny and Castiel take on monsters as Benny is whistling a tune. There is just this level of creepiness to it that is just so amazing to watch.

Purgatory also brought us yet another Castiel one-liner and its been awhile since we had one. It was the since where Benny and Cas are arguing, and Benny calls Castiel his crazy aunt. Castiel responds, "I have no possible relationship to your sibling offspring". Did I also mention that Leviathans are so much cooler (and eaiser to kill) than previously portrayed in season 7.

Now unlike when we were first introduced to the Sam and Amelia relationship back in We Need To Talk About Kevin, the scenes in Blood Brothers seem to really connect more. It wasn't an obvious attraction, but the journey towards it as Sam and Amelia were edgy around each other. This was seen when Sam told dog (which we know is later named Riot) not to bug the angry lady. This was after, the awkward (but amusing) "What are you doing in my room?!" I'm not going to get into the details, but Sam and Amelia do make a connection.

Now Blood Brothers wasn't my favorite episode despite all its good elements. I found Benny's storyline a bit dull, despite the character of Benny being such a welcome addition to Supernatural. I get their trying to outline Benny to the audience, but it just didn't do it for me. Would like to mention that the random noises, leading Sam to repair the fan, leading to a memory. Was I not the only one who wanted there to be some creature that popped out and attacked Sam. Followed by some ass kicking on Sam's part.

Now I really feel like Blood Brothers is a stepping stone for future episodes of Supernatural. In addition to working on what was bound to happen anyways. What I take from this episode is the awesome scene between Castiel and Benny. Next week, Southern Comfort airs as we see the after math of Blood Brothers. It also welcomes the return of Garth.
What did you think of Blood Brothers?

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