Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Arrow 'Damaged': Operation Look Innocent

You know that little voice in the back of your head that screams at you when your watching television and you unconsciously tune it out? Like when your watching Arrow and wondering how long will it take for the other guys to figure out Oliver Queen is in deed the vigilante. Tonight's episode, Damaged, took place moments after the previous episode where Oliver's secret could potentially put him in jail.  Fan knew this would have happened sooner or later, but it was bound to happen. In Damaged, Arrow dealt with this issue beautifully and made Oliver self aware of the fact that people were bound to make the connections. It is always a real treat when a television show is smart.

As I mentioned above, Damaged begun with the arrest of Oliver Queen for his vigilante crimes and was being taken into the police station for questioning. Oliver is being question by Detective Lance when Moira and Walter barge in and tell Lance there won't be any more questions until Oliver's lawyer is present. Oliver soon tells his mother that he will not have any other lawyer other than Laurel, forcing his mother to approach Laurel on his behalf. Laurel is unsure, but Moira tells her that Oliver believes Laurel to be the only one to help him. To Oliver's luck, Laurel does agree to be his laywer, but gets him an ankle monitor that puts a serious crimp on his vigilante work. Which leaves Oliver's new partner in crime, Diggle, to finally get in some work. As Oliver's partner to saving Star City.

The highpoint of the night is though when Oliver tells Diggle that he had actually planned his arrest and knew he would be able to walk away from this. Oliver points out that people are going to soon realize that this new vigilante came out about the same time Oliver returned from the island. Which is a pretty decent point. At some point in watching Arrow, this question probably crossed our minds at least once, but it was soon pushed back to the back of our minds. Later on, Oliver returns to the Police station where they offer him a deal of a plead of insanity, but Oliver refuses and offers to take a polygraph. Which I think we all knew by this point that Oliver had a way to lie and get away with it.

I felt that Damaged was a very important episode to the Arrow storyline as it once again proved Arrow it be something worth to watch among the rest of the shows on television. As I mentioned above, I loved the fact that Arrow just dealt with Oliver almost getting caught in the very beginning and getting this free pass from now on about it. I would like to also make a special note about the flashback this episode. Normally I don't mention them in my reviews, but in this week's episode, I feel I need to. You really see a change in Oliver as he is slowly changing from what he used to be before he was stranded. You can see this in when he is learning to hunt and refusing to give up the man in the green hood. You know, before he became the man in the green hood. We also got a get scene between Oliver and Laurel in Damaged, as Laurel finally realizes what Oliver went through on the island. So fans of that couple around North America can squee at that.

There isn't very much that went wrong this episode. That and I can't remember the things that didn't work. Much as I was touched by the scene between Oliver and Laurel, she just realized that Oliver wasn't in paradise on the island? In addition, Arrow, are you trying to make a love triangle? Seriously, its going to get very ugly between Oliver, Tommy and Laurel if this keeps going. Also, I love how Arrow just threw in the catch of the week into the mix. It did have purpose, but it felt very random.

I can't stress enough how much this episode was a game changer for Arrow. Despite it setting roots in a future love triangle break down, Damaged was a great installment in the season. It was also very cool to see the Diggle, Oliver partnership beginning and growing. Very hero needs someone to keep him grounded. I can expect to see it happen even more in future episodes. Oh on a side note, the reason I'm posting this early is because in Canada, Damaged aired yesterday. Not yet if it will continue to do that. If it does, I'll post every Wednesday like this. Otherwise, it will be every Thursday like always.

What did you think of Damaged? Are you now team Oliver/Laurel?

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