Sunday, September 30, 2012

Doctor Who 'Angels Take Manhattan': What We Do For Love

This is officially the best episode of Doctor Who in season 7. It was such a beautiful episode as Moffat took us for the ride of our lives. We all know this was the end of the Ponds, but we never knew how it was going to come to an end. An end that I have no problem with what-so-ever, as sad as it is.

So Angels Take Manhattan kicks off with the Doctor and the Ponds visiting New York, relaxing and reading a book. The Doctor is reading a book out loud, with Amy listening, and Rory leaves to get coffee after the Doctor brings up the fact that Amy has lines around her eyes. As Rory is coming back with the coffee, he suddenly finds himself back in time, in New York, with River Song in front of him. Realizing the angels got Rory, the Doctor and Amy rush to save Rory from the angels. Which might require to change the future a bit. The Doctor and the Ponds soon find that the angels have taken over Manhattan (and the statue of liberty) and made themselves a feeding ground.

Angels Take Manhattan was such a great episode and was worth every piece of hype it got. Angels Take Manhattan was the Pond's final journey with the Doctor, but they were put to the test as it felt like time itself was tearing them apart. This gave us beautiful moments as Amy and Rory refused to leave each other and were willing to do anything to save each other. Even something the Doctor doesn't want them to do. This takes us to the relationship between River and the Doctor, as they work together to save the Ponds. Its great to see River knowing the Doctor so well, and how to deal with him. In addition to the Doctor caring about River as well. Overall, Angels Take Manhattan is more of a story about the relationships that Doctor Who has created during the Pond years.

Besides the relationships, there were other elements that worked in favor of the episode. I would like to point out the scene where the Doctor is noticing that Amy is getting older (he points out the lines around her eyes), but chooses to continue the moment with her. The relationship between the Doctor and Amy is a very strong one as he has saved her many times and Amy is the leash that keeps him grounded. And she knows it. Amy knows that the Doctor needs a companion to keep him straight. This is what makes spoiler's spoiler more painful for the Doctor. I think I'm rambling now.

Other than whats River doing there and why is she being captured, there is nothing wrong with this episode. It was the prefect send off for the Ponds.

Well this is it for the Ponds and for season 7 for this year. Other than the Christmas special, Doctor Who will turn in the new year of 2013. Lets take one more moment to remember the Ponds though.
Angels Take Manhattan is by far the strongest of the season, as it took us and the characters on an emotional journey. Doctor Who will be taking a break until Christmas where the special will air and we will meet the new companion.

Will there be any relationship for the Doctor like he had with Amy?

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