Thursday, September 27, 2012

Elementary 'Pilot': A Different Kind Of Holmes

Despite being a Sherlock fan, I decided to give Elementary a chance before I decided that I disliked it. Although not thrilled through that CBS decided to jump onto the Sherlock Holmes wagon. Back to Elementary, I just have to say that Elementary is a different type of Holmes entirely. We see things in Miller's Holmes that we haven't seen in other interpretations.

So Elementary kicks off with Watson meeting up with a former drug addict Holmes, as his sober companion. Although Holmes is not her typical gig as Joan sees a hooker leaving, and Holmes predicting word for word television lines. Holmes soon drags Watson out to a crime scene, where he begins investigating the incident and eventually finds the dead body. Thus Holmes begins his investigation unto who murdered the woman in the safe room with Watson in tow. Throughout the episode, Watson realizes that Holmes might need her help after all, but not with his drug addiction. But keeping him in line and being a friend.

So what exactly makes Elementary's Pilot stand out? Due to Elementary being another "Sherlock Holmes" adaption, it will have to constantly fend off comparisons to other adaptations (more specially Sherlock) to prove itself. One difference is the Holmes character as he does make mistakes, get emotional and googles people for information. Unlike the other Holmes, Elementary's has more of a human feel to it as Holmes needs to trust Watson to help him. Watson is a bit different, (you know besides being a woman) since she has more control over Holmes than previous adaptions.

Now Elementary's Pilot didn't hook me the way Sherlock did, as I found some plot holes while watching. Or rather put, things I just didn't like. Sherlock Holmes has always been this brilliant untouchable man who is reduced to a brilliant man who has to listen to his big powerful daddy. Not sure how that is going to play out, but it could be the Mycroft of Elementary. I found it that it was too easy for Holmes to walk into a crime scene in New York city. Sure he knew a guy, and it was that simple. There should've been some bantering between Holmes and a cop of some sorts (the detective on doesn't count). In short it was like Elementary was setting out to create something similar to Sherlock with their own twist.

Elementary was decent, but it is nothing like its British predecessor. This is only the beginning of Elementary and it has room to grow into something better. Although I must say I have never seen Holmes apologize to anyone, until Elementary. Also, what is this mystery of what happened to Holmes in London? Could this woman be Irene Alder? For those who have not seen Sherlock, you might enjoy Elementary. For those who have, save your yourself the time on judging it.

Did you enjoy Elementary? What do you think of this new Holmes?

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