Intensity is thy name Alphas. What an episode The Devil Will Drag You Under was! It was both intense and heartbreaking as the war against Stanton Parish continues. We also learn of Dani's fate this episode.
The Devil Will Drag You Under picked up after Rosen offer's his daughter a way out of her situation. It is no surprise that Rosen cares very much for his daughter and got her a deal to save her. Somehow he gets Dani to agree to sign on to spy on Parish, the man she respected and trusted. Dani is soon shipped out back to Parish.
Jump to two weeks later, Dani has gone missing, and Hicks is worried out of his mind. This soon leads him to storming out of the building and three weeks later (ya another time jump) on the opposite side of the team. The gang are confused by Hick's actions and try to make sense of the situation. Meanwhile with Hicks, he is helping Parish's gang steal weapons, and is taken to their base of operations. There Hick's loyalty is tested to see if this new persona he is wearing is a trick and if he is a double agent of sorts. Hicks passes the painful test, and soon finds himself face to face with Parish. Hicks wastes no time in asking about Dani's whereabouts, and can tell that something has happened to her. More so, that Parish knows how Dani being a spy for her father.
The Devil Will Drag You Under was a Hicks, Rosen and Dani heavy episode as it dealt with the emotions they were going through before and during the run of the episode. There was the obvious tension between Hicks and Rosen due to their opinions on whats the best for Danielle. Both these men love her very much and want to protect her. I want to also point out that Hicks is very devoted to Dani as well, and its no half done romance either. The writers could have chosen to make Hicks undecided between Dani and Nina, but they didn't. They created this relationship where Hicks and Dani could depend on each other and make each other happy. Which makes the ending of this episode heartbreaking. We also see some character development and motivation in Parish as he lets his master plan unfold.
Now there are some plot holes I wish to address. First is that Dani agreed very easily to taking the deal her father offered. I get that she is getting tired all the deceit in her life, as well as the double sidedness of it as well, but being a double agent for her father is not the solution. Not to mention Parish was the one who saved her in the past, and she easily agreed to spy on him. Hurray for trust. Another plot hole is when Parish's gang easily accept Hicks on their side. It's like they believe no one could betray them due to a control test they know cannot fail. Further more, how did Hicks find them in the first place? So many questions.
We are getting down to the final two episodes of season 2 of Alphas. The Devil Will Drag You Under is giving Rosen and now Hicks more motivation to hunt Parish down, once and for all. Despite the hiccups here and there, this episode was just brilliant. I liked the Dani/Hicks relationship and its cool to see him do anything to get her back. Next week, Life After Death airs. How will the team cope after the events of this episode?
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