Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Born Again Identity

The return of Castiel.
Last week's episode, we saw the beginnings of Sam's downfall since he let Lucifer in. We also saw the return of Frank Deveraux on the other line of Dean's call. Ever since Adventures in Babysitting, Dean has been calling Frank about information on Dick Roman. Like Sam's hallucinations, we don't see the other side (ie Lucifer and Frank), but we see Sam and Dean reacting to it. Which is well played out I might add.

So Sam and Dean hear about a ballerina who died by dancing her feet off. Insert Black Swan jokes and Sam's 15th coffee. Dean is concerned about Sam seeing that coffee, and Sam tells Dean that Lucifer is screaming in his head every time he closes his eyes. Dean inquires about the scar, and Sam tells him basically the scar isn't working anymore since he let Lucifer in. I can agree with all the reviews I have seen up to now on the fact that Sam and Dean are not keeping secrets from each other any more. They understand that they need each other to survive since they have lost everything (Castiel, The Impala, and Bobby).

Sam and Dean arrive at the police station and when they go to retrieve the slippers, it goes missing. A little girl found them in the bathroom and falls under its spell and begins dancing. This scene was quite humorous as Sam and Dean attempt to grab the slippers off her feet and she kept kicking Dean in the face (with sorrys of course). With Dean's luck, he touches them and soon feels the urge to put them on. With Sam's help, he doesn't, although it hilarious when Sam notices that the slippers are now Dean's size. They arrive at Out With the Old, a antique store that happen to have a safe full of cursed objects. The son of the owner sold the cursed objects, and Sam and Dean quickly head out to retrieve them.

But there is more than cursed objects causing trouble in town. Leviathans, in the form of realtors, are in town and are buying up land on main street. Dean notices something up and calls Frank. They figure out that Joyce is a Leviathan working for Dick. These Leviathans are interesting though. Joyce seems to be in charge over the other Leviathan George and has claimed to have eaten her previous assistants. Even with Leviathans, the weak are preyed upon. This will later screw Joyce over later in the episode.

The Winchesters and Leviathans finally have a confrontation. George chooses to help the Winchesters by telling Sam where the borax and sword are. I would have liked to seen a bit more reason to George's betrayal than "I just wanted to eat her". If you think about, George is going to get ganked no matter what. Although, it did allow Sam and Dean to hear some of the Leviathan plan, which was to cure cancer.

There are many theories about what that means. One theory says that the Leviathans want to get into the health system and use it to spread their drug. You know the one that makes people stoned. Thats the only theory I can think of right now, but you can search it on google. But there is something more to it than just curing cancer. Unless their talking about getting rid of humans (they could be the cancer).

Now next week's episode is the episode we all have been waiting for. Most for Misha Collins return as Castiel. Me, because Sam goes to a mental hospital thanks to Lucifer. So we are not only going to see Collins return but Rachel Miner (Meg) and Mark Pellegrino (Lucifer) as well. In the pictures and clips, it shows Meg and Castiel together. I'm not sure why, but it could be a trick. The storyline of the episode is that Dean goes looking for help for Sam and he hears about a faith healer. This faith healer just happens to Castiel, but has no memories of his past life. It appears that Castiel is still an angel, and still has his abilities. How its going to play out, only The Born Again Identity can tell. Although I would like to point out that in the clip below Dean says "screw Cas", and then eventually needs Castiel's help. This episode is going to be awesome.
Or if you want to watch the promo, click here

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