Monday, March 19, 2012

Merlin- The Hunter's Heart Review

Gwen Returns.
After her disappearance from last week's episode Gwen returns! Gwen appear again in The Hunter Heart as it shows where shes been since her banishment. The Hunter's Heart also plays with another love interest for Arthur as he is going to marry a princess in order for peace between their two kingdoms. In its own way, this episode shows the relationship between Arthur and Gwen, despite previous events. Gwen clearly still loves Arthur despite him banishing her. Arthur still cares for Gwen despite her betrayal. Poor Merlin is caught in between this as the friend who wants nothing more than to see his friends together. That and its their destiny.

So the episode opens up showing both Arthur and Gwen's situations. Gwen is working with Pigs in a small village while Arthur plans to marry for the kingdom. Both apart and wish to see each other. When Merlin gets word, hes not too happy see Arthur moving on from Gwen. So insert Merlin's attempts to sabotage Arthur's marriage with the princess. As we all know, whenever Merlin tries to help with magic, it always seems to backfire. Although its humorous to watch Merlin try to embarrass Arthur. Meanwhile on the other side of the world, Gwen is the guest of Helios (who just happens to be Morgana's new ally), and happens to overhear the plan to overtake Camelot.

Speaking of Morgana, she really has grown to be a great villain. In the beginning of the season, she was depending on her sister, then mourning the loss. Now Morgana has established what she can and will do to achieve her goals. Long gone is that girl who once feared her own magic. She betrayed everyone she knew and became the villain she was meant to be. She even now has a go to guy with Helios, and henchman named Argavaine.

Another great plot element of this episode was the fact that Merlin finally said something when his status bid him not. In season 3 we say Merlin unable to say anything about Morgana due to her being the King's ward. This season, Merlin finally tells Arthur about Argavaine's treachery, but is foiled by Arvgvaine's careful clean up. Sadly for Arthur, he is following in his father's footsteps and this eventually will lead to his defeat at Morgana's hands. For those who have seen the preview for the next episode, you know what I mean.

The Hunter's Heart is great title for this episode cause in a way it represents Arthur and Gwen's relationship. Especially that one scene where Morgana enchants Gwen to look like a deer and Arthur has a crossbow pointed at her. Thanks to Merlin, he misses, but Arthur does find the ring that he gave Gwen. So the hunter unexpectedly finds his heart. I could also sprew out some lovely dobey stuff about it, but lets leave it at that.

Now next episode is part 1 of the season finale. Everything has been building up to this (no shit), and its going to be epic. Argavaine's betrayal will come to light as he and Morgana take over Camelot. Arthur will get injured (again) escaping. Just a thought, but why does Arthur always get hurt in the season finale? Well I guess its a good plot point for Merlin to step up and save the day. Any way, it should be good. Trailer below. No, I'm sorry, epic trailer below.

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