Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Supernatural "Holy Terror": More Like Holy Crap What Just Happened

Guys, that was the best. I am emotionally damaged and in shock (Sherlock fandom, I need the shock blanket) as Holy Terror was a just an amazing episode. In addition to proving Supernatural still has got it in it's old age. You know last week I was complaining about how Supernatural was getting a bit dull compared to season 8, but Holy Terror was so much better than season 8's mid-season finale. Although it doesn't I'm happy about somethings that happened. Like with SPOILER dying. Guys when Supernatural hits it's main arc, boy does it hit it good. Holy Terror makes me kinda wish that was every week of Supernatural even though I don't know if my feels could take it. There is still hope for season 9, with episodes like Holy Terror. Dean finally saw the consequences of lying to everyone, and Castiel finds a new direction with his life. Supernatural, I am one (somewhat) happy fangirl, except for SPOILER.

So what happens when a church choir walks into a biker bar? That is how Holy Terror started off with two different factions of angels going against each other in order to see who will be the leader of the angels. This draws the Winchesters on the case as Dean is talking to Zeke about healing Sam and Zeke tries to talk Dean out of investigating angel murders. Which lucky for us, Dean doesn't listen to. At the crime scene they bump back into Castiel, who is doing some investigating of his own. Zeke pops out to remind Dean to get rid of Cas so the angels won't find him. So when they hang out at a bar and "Sam" steps out, Dean explains to Castiel that Zeke had healed Sam and didn't want the angels to figure it out and which is why Castiel can't hang around. This is even Metatron shows up and to "Zeke" and offers him a deal to rebuild heaven. Elsewhere, Castiel tries his hand at praying for some angelic assistance in order to figure out who are the two angel factions battling for power. He is soon captured by one of the factions and tortured for information on Metatron. Castiel soon finds something out that has Dean scrambling for a solution and someone will pay the price for this.

What an episode Holy Terror was. Supernatural is Supernatural again and I love it even though it hurts me so. This is truly going to be a hellatus until January. Now how do I put Holy Terror into words that make sense? Holy Terror was amazing and emotionally damaging for characters and fans alike. I think we all agree that we are not okay after Holy Terror. We all knew Dean's lies were going to catch up to him at some point, but not like this. I'm still angry at Dean for lying to Sam and all the damage it has caused. He wanted to save his brother and lost him in the end. And more. Supernatural also granted my wish of Castiel taking the hunter road again instead of playing human at the gas station. I like this new version of Castiel and how he has finally found his place until later on in Holy Terror until he turns into a bad ass. Although my favorite part has to be Castiel trying out various ways of praying. Someone needs to gif that. What was also cool was how Supernatural wove in the Adam and Eve story (you know from the bible) in their mythology. Clearly Holy Terror was on a roll kept the story moving for the most part.

Now there are somethings I have issue with in Holy Terror that I would like to bring up. I'm pretty most of you are thinking it too. There is that thing (guys I'm trying not to spoil it here) that Castiel did changed him and we had no idea angels could do that. Is it possible to do that in the Supernatural universe? Why wasn't it one before? Or was it like some forbidden thing that angels should never do? What is going to happen to Cas now? Still angry at Dean for lying to everyone about Sam and consequences that followed after. Damn it Dean, this is why Winchesters don't lie to each other. Bad shit happens. Also damn you "Zeke". My final thing to point out about was how around the middle of Holy Terror scenes jumped from one another, making it a bit confusing. Unless that was my television provider.

Can January come like right now? Holy Terror was such a great episode even though I'm probably going to be crying on the inside for a couple weeks now. Holy Terror was a game changer more than anything. Someone is now dead, and someone left, and now we're all in emotional hell. Near the end I was muttering please don't kill him as I could tell what was about to happen. Hellatus my fellow Supernatural fans, is now upon us. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive without that character now, and I want him back. It's like Bobby all over again, but it wasn't Dean's fault that time. It is going to be interesting to see Dean get himself out of this one. See you all January 14, 2014!

What did you think of Holy Terror? What was the most shocking moment of the episode for you? Did the angel thing confuse you?

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