Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Supernatural "I'm No Angel": I Think Cas Needs A Hug

My god, poor Castiel. This week on Supernatural with I'm No Angel, Castiel can't seem to get a break as he is hunted by angels. I must say angels are becoming quote the villains now with their tactics. Long gone are the pop in and attack, but now total warfare on finding and killing Castiel. I'm not even a Castiel fan, but I feel for the guy. It was important though that I'm No Angel reunite team freewill. Even if it meant Dean using Zeke (Ezetial) more than he likes and putting Sam in the corner (nobody puts Sammy in a corner). Although I love how the angels keep underestimating the Winchesters since that should be like rule 1, "Don't underestimate the Winchesters or you'll get stabbed". I'm No Angel was a Castiel strong episode as it took us through the motions of Castiel experiencing being a human. In case you were wondering, there is no wife #3.

I'm No Angel takes us straight to the man angel of the hour as Castiel is getting by as a human by working and sleeping in a community church that helps the homeless. Going under the name Clarance (yes thats the name Meg gave her unicorn), Castiel notices two priests murdered and realizes this is the work of angels hunting him and leaves. Meanwhile in the bunker, Zeke tells Dean about the hunt for Castiel, making Dean realize they need to go out and find Castiel before the angels find him. After another attack Castiel, escapes to Detroit where he decides to mask his movements using a tattoo that hide him from angels. You know you're a part of the Winchester clan when you get inked. As Castiel is looking for food, he meets a woman named April who offers him food and later a place to stay. Meanwhile the Winchesters trace Castiel's footsteps with an angel on their heels looking for Castiel.

If I had to describe I'm No Angel, it would be a lady killer, emotional wreck, Supernatural is a nutshell Castiel style. Cause I'm pretty sure 90% of the fanbase right now is just an emotional wreck between Dean lying to everyone and Castiel just facing so much terrible crap that I think Castiel fans have locked themselves somewhere safe, or gone on tumblr and spammed posts about it. Sherlock fans, can you spare a shock blanket for Cas fans? Castiel doesn't have it easy this week as he faces everything we normally do, but it is all new to him which makes it more sad to watch. At one point even I felt sad for the little guy (no this was not a joke on Misha's height). Now I really want to talk about Sam and Zeke and how Jared Padalecki portrays them. You can really tell the difference between the two characters with the expressions alone. I came across a photo of this week's episode and I could instantly tell that it was Zeke in control and not Sam thanks to Padalecki's facial expression. Now we can't forget Dean in I'm No Angel as the poor guy is stuck trying to protect his younger brother by lying and adding Cas to that lie hurt even more. Athough Dean did have the best line of the night while they were talking about pie with "No. I read "pie." The rest is just "blah, blah, blah." Followed by the Winchesters faces when Castiel told them he had sex. Yup, Supernatural never does things easy.

Now there are some draw backs to I'm No Angel that I would like to make a point on. I do like this new road that Castiel is taking with learning how to be human and frankly it's very amusing as well. Although the relationship Cas had with April was a bit weird and it was bordering on wife #3. Then they had sex, and that just went into awkward territory. I mean, did we really need to see Castiel have sex? I'm not going into it. On the topic of April, despite her little SPOILER at the end, why would you let some random homeless guy into your house?! Then again that should have been a subtle clue for later on. Although I think the fandom can agree we all don't like April very much. The biggest thing that irked me in I'm No Angel was that ending. Seriously writers? Seriously?

I'm No Angel was a serious kick to the feels this week as Castiel faced so much crap and then that ending. Damn it Zeke. I'm not loving how three episodes in, Supernatural seems to be on a roll. With season 7 & 8, Supernatural hit a snag with the third episode and this is no way Jensen Ackles' fault but rather storyline wise. It look Supernatural is off to a good start this year with season 9 and proving that our favorite show has still got it. Even if it means the Winchesters lying to each other again, although this time it's much deeper and successful. I think season 7 is an example of what kind of lying is not good to do. Let's see how long this lasts. See you next week.

What did you think of Castiel learning to be human? What's your opinion of Zeke?

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