Sunday, October 20, 2013

Beauty and the Beast "Liar, Liar": Honesty Is Overrated

How do you get through a relationship that has turned sour because your boyfriend doesn't remember you, but likes you, but accidentally hurts you? Liar, Lair brings us to the aftermath of this and how Catherine deals with it. I am glad that Beauty and the Beast didn't paint Catherine as a pushover and Liar, Liar really shows Catherine getting some backbone. This is where we actually believe her tough girl persona and I found myself wanting scream "Girl Power!" at my television screen. Also slightly disliking Vincent this week (which is hard for me to do) with everything he did. For the first few episodes I was rooting for them to work it out and was supportive on the journey to remembering for Vincent. In other good news, its looking like Heather might be written off soon and we won't see her for a while. Can't say I'll miss you.

Catherine begins Liar Liar off by working to cover up the bruises left from when Vincent pushed her (and we all cried a little), when Batb least favorite character Heather comes in wanting to talk to Catherine. Heather reveals that she was given a job offer in Miami (please take it), but is undecided whether to go or not. Catherine, needing to meet Gabe sets a lunch date with Heather and heads out. Gabe and Catherine meet and Catherine decides to use her "relationship" with Vincent to dig up more information on whose pulling Vincent's strings. This is when word of a "beast" like murder comes in, Gabe and Catherine head to the scene. There they think it could be Vincent who did this, but thanks to a visit to JT earlier, Vincent is cleared and they realize this is the work of another beast. So the team decides it's time to put Operation "Catherine pretends to forgive Vincent to get information" into play. So Catherine goes to Vincent's houseboat and manages to get into his computer before Vincent walks in. Vincent apologizes to Catherine for his actions and asks her out for dinner, which Catherine accepts. Using the information Catherine acquired, the team begins working on who is Vincent working for and what his current assignment is.

I really feel that Liar, Liar is a Catherine strong episode as it showed her standing up against the odds and Vincent. Usually I wouldn't be happy to see them at odds, but the first few episodes of the seasons show Catherine pinning for the old Vincent and trying so hard to get him back. Liar, Liar shows Catherine putting her foot down and doing what she thinks is right despite what Vincent wants. This is the bad ass Catherine Batb was talking about. She is not a love sick puppy anymore, but a grown woman who knows what she wants and won't take shit from anyone. She even knows when shes busted and when Vincent is lying to her. Vincent, it is not cool lying about memories. Funny how a week ago I was loving the new bad ass Vincent. Now I just want the lovable one back who doesn't lie to Catherine. Ugh why can't I ship a healthy relationship? Then again, when is there ever a healthy relationship on television? Now we need to talk about team dynamics this week since I feel I don't touch on this enough. I am really glad that Batb kept Gabe around as support for Catherine (although not so much for a potential love triangle in the future). Gabe and Tess are really essential characters in their own right and add their own thing to the team. Tess is the voice of logic on the team, who sees things as they are, while Gabe acts as Catherine's support in these troubling times. Whats important though is that the team has Catherine's back and it's not just her anymore.

I am really glad that Batb is much better than it's previous season, but Liar, Liar is not without it's faults. Or rather things I don't like. This is not a problem, but my shipping heart bleeds for VinCat. They keep lying to each other and it's creating tension in their relationship. JT has a smaller role this week so we're at a loss for JT's lovely little lines. Now Gabe, I see what Batb is doing there with his character and his crush on Catherine. It's like Evan all over again, but not as lame. Now we need to talk about the whole issue of Catherine's father(s). I feel that this storyline is a bit lame and short lived. The not her father thing, was a bit random, but Batb had to put it out there, and it's probably gonna last an episode. Just wait until Catherine meets her real dad and then we'll probably see her seeing him as a good guy, but reality is that hes not. Mark my words, it could happen.

Liar, Lair I felt was a real good episode for Catherine to grow and show her strengths. Show all girls out there that sometimes the man isn't always right and stand for you believe in. Even if it means lying to protect the man she loves. The future for VinCat looks bleak with a chance of brighter future. Although gonna be angry with you a bit Vincent for faking memories, thats not cool. On the plus side, Heather could be gone! I have mentioned that yes? See you all next week.

What is your prediction for Vincent and Catherine's relationship from here? What do you think of the team dynamics?

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