Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Supernatural "Devil May Care": It's A New World Out There

Ugh my Supernatural feels this week. Devil May Care was a definite pick up after the premiere episode bring us back to the natural flow of a Supernatural episode. While the premiere dove into character development, Devil May Care brought the real issue of the year to the front. Winchesters not only have angry angels on their hands, but demons and a returned Abaddon to deal with. Abaddon wasn't the only one to return this week with Kevin (love you) and Crowley. With Devil May Care, Supernatural was doing a good job of not being obvious. Like you see something coming, and usually it happens, but not this week. Although there was no Castiel, so sorry Cas fans. The boys are back and once again making me love them all over again. This week was Winchester strong.

So the Winchesters are back on the road again in Devil May Care with Crowley as Dean's junk in his  trunk (sorry I love that line). Dean quickly explains to Sam what has happened and why exactly Crowley was in the trunk. So they head back to base (thats what I'm going to call the Men of Letters place from now on) where Kevin has been hiding out since the angels fell. Kevin is shocked and angered by the fact that the Winchesters kept Crowley alive and are keeping him in the back room. After the Winchesters let Crowley sit in the dark for a bit and Kevin asks why they didn't stab him. Can't blame Kevin really, Crowley has had a hand in ruining Kevin's life. Anyways the Winchester put their feelers out for anything weird. Elsewhere, a returned Abaddon gathers demons to take over hell and the world. So when her demons grab new vessels, the Winchesters get the word and head out to check the scene.

Devil May Care really did embody what I imagine Supernatural to be and to stand for overall. It had brother moments, characters we loved, and awesome one liners. Not only that but the demons are becoming more of a threat and not something the Winchesters can just gank easily. Not that demons were terrible before. Although you have to love the demons relying on technology and not their abilities to get the job done. Like with the bullet proof vest and assault rifles. Also Abaddon is quite a bad ass. Poor Crowley is now trapped in the base but we can expect some witty remarks to come from him. I wonder what the writers have in store for him. Despite all this bad assery, there were some touching moments within Devil May Care that I adored. There was the moment between Dean and SPOILER that was quite touching and heartfelt. In addition to Sam's confession to Dean about being content for once in his life. Let's not forget the lovely moment with Dean and Kevin and telling Kevin he is family, cause damn straight he is. What was cool about Devil May Care was the introduction of some new hunters this week. It has been a while since we have met new hunters in Supernatural, and they usually get killed off quickly. Let's not forget the return of Dean's one liners this week. My personal favorites are "Crowley is the junk in my trunk", and "Because I'm awesome". In addition did anyone notice the cover names this week for Sam and Dean? Love how they used Marvel references (Stark and Banner) as names. In addition to Kevin calling himself Kevin Solo, and just being awesome. Is Devil May Care a great episode or what?

So what about Devil May Care should you be concerned about? Well as I pointed out above, there is no Castiel this week, although he was mentioned briefly. Don't worry Cas fans, Misha Collins is a series regular this year so he will appear much more. This week we saw the return of Abaddon, but I'm a little confused on how this happened exactly. I get that there was a spell and all, but I'm curious what kind and we didn't see much happen other than her hand rise out. Is Supernatural saving money on special effects or something? It could have been cool and gruesome to see it happen. We also need to talk about that random guilt trip of season 4 that the girl brought up to Sam. It was like she needed a reason to hate on our beloved moose.

Devil May Care was another great addition to season 9. Not to mention kept it on a roll. Nothing sours the mood when it suddenly drops in storyline or quality. Looks like the Winchesters have little allies this season and a lot of danger. Its just another Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday night right? I would like to point out though the cool wing effects this week of them being all torn up from the fall. Now that was cool Supernatural. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to get my feels ready for the season with all the 'Dean is lying to Sam and it hurts him' feels. See you next week.

What do you think of Abaddon's return? How are you taking Dean lying to Sam?

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