How are you all liking the new Vincent? Isn't he such a bad ass? I have to say that Kidnapped was a decent episode of Batb and a much improvement of the first season. Kidnapped took time to explored the new Vincent that we were introduced to last week. I am really liking this new Vincent and the dynamic he brings to Batb. As a VinCat fan, I was rooting for them to get together and I love that Kidnapped showed that there was a connection still there. The beginning of Kidnapped was a bit slow, but it soon found it's pace with a nice combination of drama, humor, and plot development. In addition finding a good use for their characters that was not irritating. I really like the direction that Batb is taking itself this season and the new elements they are introducing to the audience. This isn't your season 1.
In the wake of last week's episode, Kidnapped shows Cat and Tess discussing the murder that Vincent had recently committed. Trusting Vincent as she does, Cat defends him, claiming that Vincent was ending Murfield due to what they did to him. On the not so hopeful side, Gabe and Tess don't think this is the case and want to grab Vincent to question him. So Cat decides to get JT's help to find Vincent and help him remember who he was. Her plan, a picnic on their rooftop. Like any plan made on romantic ideas, it fails as Cat is unable to get Vincent to remember and he bails to go shoot someone at a prison. Cat with the help of the team (JT, Tess, and Gabe), she tracks him down to the location only to be grabbed by Vincent. Cat soon finds herself tied up in Vincent's chic houseboat, unsure what to do. Cat tries to reach out again to Vincent's memory of her, meanwhile, the others begin looking for her.
It has been a while since I have enjoyed watching a Batb episode and I like the place Kidnapped is taking the season. I really love what the writers have done with Vincent this season (so far) by stripping him down to his most basic character. First and foremost, Vincent was a doctor who joined the military and was turned into a beast. Kidnapped remembered this and used it well. I have a theory as well on Vincent's personality change. We are shaped by our memories right? We change on our personal experiences and the things we learn along the way, and this is what shapes us as a person. For Vincent, his memories, his very self, has been stripped away from him and the only thing left is the solider, which we see in Kidnapped. Well this is what I think and I hope the writers thought too. I love the new team dynamic Batb has going with Tess, JT, and Gabe. Last year, Batb struggled with using all the characters properly and I think they have the hang of it now. Tess is no longer annoying, but useful. Gabe is a great ally. JT is awesome as always. For VinCat fans, we got another moment to add to your collection and extra point for no cheesy lines this week. See, Batb can survive without those silly lines.
Now what about Kidnapped that wasn't hot. Well not much actually since this was a well rounded episode for Batb. The whole I make him remember with a picnic thing was silly, but Cat had to try something right? It is sad that Vincent can't remember Cat and SPOILER her. At least its not a love triangle right? And it better not lead to one. No seriously. I mean Vincent still has feelings for Cat right? He did drag her back to his place and cook her a meal. She must really love Vincent to do all this for him.
Overall, Kidnapped was a great episode and I am liking where this is going. I am sensing some heartbreak in the future though for Cat and the fans. Batb, please don't break my heart. I don't think I have enough feels left over after Supernatural and Haven. Seriously, those shows continually destroy me every week. I really hope that Batb keeps up this level of episode and plot for the reason of the season. Also looking forward to learning more about what exactly happened to Vincent other than being Cat's father's puppet. That and please no Heather. See you later beasties.
What did you think of Kidnapped? What is your opinion on the future of VinCat?
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