Sunday, April 14, 2013

Doctor Who "Cold War": An Ice Warrior Got Up On the Wrong Side of the Time

Well that was something. This week's episode of Doctor Who, Cold War saw the return of the Ice Warriors from the previous series (back in the old days). Much as it was cool to see this creature re-vamp, or in my case, for the first time, the plot of Cold War felt very much thrown together like a random thought. Like how much "we're gonna die" can one thrown into an episode. Thus the whole sub sinking (for some reason), no power, running out of oxygen, and a alien who could kill everyone. Oh did I mention the Tardis went missing? It was interesting to see Clara react to danger like any normal person though and let it sink in they were in a lot of danger at the moment (I did mention it above yes?). The Doctor is also a real treat as usual. So let's get into it.

This week's story begins off in the submarine practicing a nuke drill (since the time is during the cold war), and down below they are transporting something for a professor. Trouble begins though when one of the sailors gets impatient and decides to melt the ice to see what's inside. Thus freeing the Ice Warrior from it icy slumber. So when the Doctor and Clara arrive, the sub is sinking for some reason and the Doctor comes the rescue in helping the sub from sinking. Everyone is wary of the Doctor, but with some convincing, they begin to work together to save the ship. Things take a turn for the worse when the Doctor discovers that it's a Ice Warrior named Skaldak, and someone uses the cattle prod on him. The Doctor soon finds himself having to convince Skaldak it was an accident before Skaldak declares war on Earth or discovers the nukes on board the ship.

So what about Cold War was cool (see what I did there)? I'm pretty sure fans of the old show were happy to see the Ice Warriors again, because as the internet has told me they haven't been seen in a while. Not to mention they got a fresh new look with their appearance. The Doctor was awesome as usual as he dashed about trying to save the ship. I like how Cold War reminded us about the Doctor being a warrior in his own right. It reminded me of the episode When A Good Man Goes To War and how River told the Doctor that his name meant warrior in other worlds. Not to mention that everyone was afraid of him up until Clara had erased everyone's memory in the beginning of the season. What about Clara? Well she was most definitely surprised when they weren't in Vegas and was forced into a life or death situation. In a way Clara did react like we all would and panic a bit (I'd be in the corner in a ball with fear personally). But when she saw a way out, her courage returned. Or something like that.

Sorry to all you who fans though, but I found Cold War very boring. It didn't drag me into the story, and I emotionally didn't feel much throughout the episode. I never felt once that there was truly any danger to the Doctor and Clara. Sure we all know that in the end that the two are going to come out safely, but usually there is a sense of danger with most of the episodes. Cold War just kept piling on things that could kill everybody that it kinda dulled the sense of danger. Oh did I mention the Doctor saved the world again? Take me somewhere unusual Doctor Who. Give me more one liners to laugh at and keep in my mental database. Also question, why was the sub sinking again? Did the Ice Warrior do it?

Anyways, let's hope the next episode of Doctor Who will be more interesting than Cold War. Let's see sassy Clara back in action and let her keep the Doctor on his toes. Oh did anyone notice the concern on the Doctor's face of letting Clara going in to see the Ice Warrior by herself? He didn't want to see her die again. Although in the end, he let Clara go anyways. See you all next week.

How do you rate the level of danger the Doctor and Clara was in? What did you think of the Ice Warrior?

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