Friday, April 19, 2013

Beauty and the Beast "Heart of Darkness": Love Blinds Us All

Beauty and the Beast is back from hiatus everyone with this week's episode of Heart of Darkness. On this week's agenda Batb had to deal with the obvious issue of Evan who saw too much last episode (VinCat kiss and Vincent epic jump) and decides to take matters into his own hands. Meaning ratting Vincent out to Murfield in order to save from Cat from her raging hormones from making a "bad" decision. I think we all knew this kinda of episode was coming at some point where Evan finally hit a low point in the series and given a chance to redeem himself. Basically a rise and fall arc. Then again, we're all fools when in love, and make good and bad decisions. Then again, Batb is basically a romance drama, so love is bound to be in the air along with, I dare (and hate) to say it, love triangles. At least this one is now at an end.

Heart of Darkness begins with Evan as he drowns his sorrows after seeing Vincent and Catherine tonight and Vincent jumping off Catherine's balcony. Evan has figured out that Vincent is the vigilante, and Catherine has known all along. So Evan tells Murfield that Vincent is hiding in the tunnels, and realizes that he is being followed. So in order to protect Catherine, he gets in a bar fight to land in the drunk tank. At Catherine's place, Vincent is using Cat's machine to do his laundry (remember his home blew up), and the two begin flirting with each other when a knock comes at the door. It's Tess and the two go up to the roof to talk and Catherine warns Tess about getting into this. In addition to how knowing Vincent's secret could her and Catherine in danger. Down in the tunnels, JT and Vincent split up, Vincent notices he is being followed and makes a quick exit. At the station, Catherine arrives to see Evan after receiving word he landed in the "drunk tank" and Evan reveals he knows how the lies and that he called Murfield. After letting Cat know he's safe, Vincent decides to meet Evan and warn him off. It doesn't work out well when Murfield comes in and captures Vincent. Realizing that Vincent is in danger, Catherine, JT and Tess head out to save him and Evan.

Heart of Darkness was a vehicle that Batb used this week to tell us the story of relationship, redemption, and secrets. It was obvious that Evan was the man of the hour as he dealt with his own rise and fall this week. We always knew something like this would come around the moment he signed up with Murfield. Evan became selfish and had sold out Vincent in order to be with Catherine and believing himself a hero. This was until he realized that he had been blinded by his jealousy and obsession into believing Murfield's lies about Vincent. So he choose to help Vincent escape and making the SPOILER SPOILER. I have a feeling this will be a turning point in the series. I am loving how Team VinCat keeps growing with the addition of Tess to the team. I really love the scene between her and JT when he reveals that he had a IED with him. Lol JT, carrying bombs with him, just in case. Oh have I mentioned yet how cute Vincent and Catherine are yet? Well the opening scene with the two was just so adorable and the ending scene really drove home how good they are together. Also, first "your fly is open" joke on television I have seen. Just love how simple the storyline for Heart of Darkness was and how it just worked.

Now with all the positives, there are some negatives to Heart of Darkness. Just much as I liked Evan little redemption, I really felt it was time to let Evan go. He spent most of the series pinning for Catherine, who was out of his league. After his Murfield arc, what was left for Evan? I know there are a couple suggestions out there, but history could have repeated itself. Any Haven fans out there? If so then you might have recognized Lucas Byrant as a Murfield agent who was in charge of the random waiting room in the evil lair. Cause you know, people walk in there all the time. Anyways, it was a random plot point when he suddenly announced he was going to the bathroom and left his security pass behind, trusting Evan not to take it. Top notch security for Murfield right? Who knows, this could have been intentional, but it was still random. Some secret government program. Finally, the story all bit too convenient how they were able to find Vincent, but it's not that much of an issue for me.

Good episode and turning point for Batb with Heart of Darkness. I think after this, the honeymoon period for Catherine and Vincent might be ending soon (as much as it pains me to say it) and hitting a rough patch. Although with Heart of Darkness, Evan did redeem himself and set things right with Catherine. Meaning he was back in the good books. Really looking forward to find out what's wrong with Gabe and how it connects to Vincent. Catch you later, and Evan fans, have some tissues.

Did Evan redeem himself to you? What do you think is wrong with Gabe?

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