Thursday, February 21, 2013

Arrow "Dodger": Times Are Changing

After the events of The Odyssey, the whole theme of Arrow has changed and Dodger shows the audience this. With the addition of Felicity to the team, a more technical side has been added to Team Oliver as well as a positive influence as well. Not to mention she throws the male duo off. Dodger also brought some love into the air on Arrow this week (perhaps this episode was meant for Valentine's Day) as three of our characters find themselves connecting with the opposite site. You know, nothing says filler like romance in the air. What I did like about Dodger was the flashbacks as they pick up after the events of The Odyssey and Oliver becoming a warrior in his own right.

This week's episode begins with a work out scene (yes their back) to show that Oliver is back in fighting form, and about to head out on another mark. Reading up on the mark, Felicity decides to lock the door on Oliver to stop him and points out that Oliver should give the guy a change before making his kids orphans. Oliver quickly reminds Felicity that he too can re-write the system and is going to give the mark a stern warning. The next day Oliver and Diggle head over to Queen Corp to see if Felicity is still on Team Oliver, which Felicity confirms to be so. Felicity also brings up that Oliver should help other people than hunting the people down on the list. Which includes taking down the Dodger. So Oliver begins his investigation of the Dodger and after a failed attempt of catching the Dodger, Oliver decides to use his family gems to lure out the Dodger. In between all this, Oliver and Diggle try their hand at romance upon Felicity's mention. On the other side of the city Thea tracks down a thief (you may recognize him from Teen Wolf) who stole her purse. In addition to Moira deciding it's time to get out from the Uprising.

As much as I felt that Dodger was a filler episode, it did showcase the new Team Oliver dynamic very well in addition to bringing some game changers to Arrow. It was nice to see Moria finally deciding to stand up to Malcolm and getting Walter back (she hasn't forgotten you!). Wonder how that reunion will go. As for Team Oliver, Felicity is able to do what Diggle couldn't with Oliver and make him realize that he has to be more than a vigilante. Also capturing the Dodger helped too. Not only that, but she got Oliver and Diggle to get flustered about the idea of dating. Men. Best line of the night though goes to Oliver and Diggle conversation about what would happen if Diggle hadn't signed on ("And what would you have done if you were wrong, and I decided to make a call to Detective Lance?" " I would have put an arrow in you." "Ha! Really--really--you really would have done that, really?"). There were plenty more where that came from there. I also love the introduction of Roy Harper and the connection that Arrow has set up for the two of them. We all can expect that Roy wouldn't be leaving the Arrow scene anytime soon.

Now Dodger wasn't my favorite episode as it felt really like a filler episode. To Arrow's defense it was really meant to build for the next episode of Arrow. Much as I love romantics, I wasn't feeling it this episode with Oliver's and Diggle's little adventures in romance. It wasn't terrible, but we know how at least one of them is going to turn out. Sorry people who actually liked it, but who knows maybe Diggle's will work out. With all this love in the air, it didn't leave much more for the Dodger plot and to set him more up as a villain. He felt like one of the lackeys Oliver takes out quickly.

Dodger was a filler, but a stepping stone for Arrow to set it for another big episode next week. I am also looking forward to seeing how Roy Harper plays out in the greater scheme of Arrow. In addition to how Arrow chooses to use him. Like how Arrow finally got the hang of the flashbacks, which I kinda love now. So Arrow show me what you got!

Which quote was your favorite? How did you like the introduction of Roy Harper?

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