Wednesday, May 9, 2012

There Will Be Blood

Sam and Dean
Supernatural is now in its final stretch as it counts down the final episodes of the season. Reading Is Fundamental kicked it off with the return of Castiel. Reading Is Fundamental is another Edlund written and directed episode and like The Man Who Would Be King, was a good episode to watch. Reading Is Fundamental, like any good Ben Edlund episode, contains ironic humor, pop culture references, witty lines and great moments.

In Reading Is Fundamental we see the return of Castiel, who since The Born Again Identity was in a coma. Castiel awakens when Sam and Dean break open the clay tablet they took from Dick Roman in the previous episode. Although is not the same as before and has changed since taking on Sam's hell. Which makes sense, cause there is nothing that can handle that mental abuse and stay the same. You can't simply just walk off and say its because hes an angel which is why hes fine.

Castiel has developed a ironic perspective of the world, and has sworn off fighting. As Castiel put it, "I follow the bees now". Castiel is no longer reserved, and will say what comes to his mind. Which including a new found infatuation for Meg. The episode hits a sad note when Castiel interacts with both Sam and Dean respectively. With Dean, Castiel plays a game of Sorry! with Dean and maybe its his own way of saying sorry to Dean and trys to explain his new view to Dean, but Dean becomes irritated and believes Castiel isn't truly sorry. Sam and Castiel even have a talk where Sam thanks Castiel for what Cas has done for him and Sam promises to help Castiel. Sadly, Castiel doesn't see himself as broken and tells Sam that Sam's pain gives him purpose.

Other than the Castiel storyline, the basic plot of this episode was to discover what the clay tablet hid and a creation of a new prophet. Meet Kevin Tran, just your everyday high school nerd, and his life is suddenly turned upside down when he comes a prophet. Supernatural again reminds us that not everyone can adjust well to learning about the Supernatural and we see this in Kevin Tran's reaction. Although the scene of him running away from Sam is funny.

Reading Is Fundamental is a stepping step to the finale of Season 7, and it sets it up nicely. It brings Castiel back, but in a way where he can't always help Sam and Dean as he did in the past. The episode also gives us an idea what to expect in the next few episodes. One, collection of objects to create a weapon to kill the Leviathans. Two, the possible death of the Leviathans and Dick Roman.

In the next episode, There Will Be Blood, we see the return of some fan favorites. I'm talking about Bobby, Crowley and the Alpha Vampire. Yes you heard me, the Alpha Vampire. You remember the bad ass vampire leader from Family Matters. Well hes back. We are also going to see the lovely Mark Sheppard again as the love-hatable Crowley. So in There Will Be Blood, Sam and Dean seek out Crowley for his blood and it seems likes they make some sort of deal with him. They also walk in to the vampire lair of the Alpha and ask for his blood. Next episode should be good. Clip below.

You can also check out: The Promo

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