Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Survival of the Fittest

Sam, Castiel and Dean ready to take on the Leviathans.
The finale of Supernatural is now upon us. As much as we don't want to see the end of it, it means the beginning of a new season in the coming fall. But lets hope that the Leviathans' end is coming in Survival of the Fittest.

There Will Be Blood continues where Reading Is Fundamental left us as the boys search for the weapon to kill Dick Roman. In the last few episodes, it felt like Supernatural has been rotating Bobby and Castiel's help to the Winchesters. Means in this episode we see the return of ghost Bobby and as he appears in Dean telling him to get working on the weapon. Over the last few episode, we have been seeing signs that Bobby is becoming an angry spirit and There Will Be Blood is an excellent example of Bobby heading that way.

But aside of the angry spirit thing, Bobby helps them figure out the other two ingredients for the weapon. Bobby tells them that they will need Crowley's blood and the Alpha Vampire's blood. But why does it have to be blood? In a way its like Supernatural is forcing itself to be a scary show that it was in Season 1. Supernatural could have brought in some cool mythology to kill the Leviathans, but they choose to do blood. I think its mostly because blood of the supernatural kind is hard to get. Which in There Will Be Blood was seen when Crowley only agreed to give his blood last after Sam and Dean gathered the rest.

So after summoning Crowley, they get the location for the lone Alpha alive, the Alpha Vampire. Which is convenient right? But I guess after finding Purgatory, Crowley has no more need of the Alpha Vampire. Either way, Sam and Dean set out to find the Vampire, only to find his abandon hideout with fallen vampires everywhere. It seems that the Leviathan chemical is not only affecting humans, but its poisonous to vampires. At the hideout, Sam and Dean discover a girl that was kidnapped by the Alpha Vampire years ago. With her help they track down the vampire. They soon come face to face with the Alpha Vampire and ask for his blood so they can take down the Leviathans.

Speaking of the Alpha Vampire, did anyone notice the little nudge towards season 8? It was in the line, "See you next season" with Dean replying, "Looking forward to it". You could tell that Supernatural was confidant in its renewal since when they were filming this they didn't know if they got renewed or not. Any Supernatural fan would instantly recognize the hidden meaning behind it. In its own way Supernatural was reassuring its fans that it wasn't going anywhere.

I have to admit, I'm finally starting to dislike the Leviathans a bit. In Hello Cruel World, I loved them since they helped add to the air of desperation you could feel in that episode. But in the overall season, it feels like they are minor guest stars and that they need to have something more to give them more depth. In There Will Be Blood, it showed that the Leviathans were higher up on the food chain as we see Edgar overcome the Alpha Vampire. But I found myself rooting for the vampire and hoping that something supernatural would kill it, but that doesn't seem to be the case. At least the end is coming for them in Survival of the Fittest.

So in Survival of the Fittest, the boys head to take down the Leviathans once and for all. It has been confirmed that the Impala is coming back in this episode. Quite the team though with Sam, Dean, Castiel and Meg. There is the obvious challenges of Casitel not wanting to fight and the rogue ghost Bobby. So heres to the end of season 7 and the beginning of Season 8. Clip below.
Want to watch some more? Check out the Promo and the  Producer Preview.

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