Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Supernatural: Top 10 Episodes of Season 7

Season 7 Promotional image for Supernatural.
Now with season 7 all finished up, its time to name to Top 10 Episodes of Supernatural's Season 7. Despite season 7 not being the strongest season from the rest of the series, it had its moment that will add to Supernatural history. Although I have to say its a bit irritating that the Leviathans are still around. I personally found the Sam's hell storyline far more interesting, and my top ten will show that. If you think about, the show is deep down about two brothers and their relationship. But enough of that, we should get down to business.

Last year, in my Supernatural Mid Season Finale article, I named the first half of the Top Ten in the first half of the season. This Top Ten though is not in order of what is my favorite though, but in order it appeared on tv. I don't like the idea of having to order which episode I love the most, since I love them all. Its like picking your favorite friend. You can't do that. Well if you can, goody for you. Let's kick off by reminding you what the first 5 were:

1. Meet The New Boss
2. Hello Cruel World
3. Slash Fiction
4. The Mentalists
5. Death's Door

Now for the rest of the list. The reasons for the episodes above are in this article. Picking that last five episodes is going to be hard since most of them were pretty good.

6-Adventures In Babysitting: This was the episode that followed up on Bobby's death and how the boys dealt with it. Its always heartbreaking watching Sam and Dean suffer in silence and Supernatural shows us their three week process. After three weeks, the boys decide to deal with their grief in different ways. Dean begins his hunt for Dick Roman, and Sam helps out a girl with a missing hunter father. In this episode, we also see Supernatural beginning to play with us the idea that Bobby might still be around. The episode finished off with a heartbreaking moment as a sad Dean attempts to smile, and continue on due to Frank's advice.

7- Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: Despite my worries about this episode, it turned out great. In Season 2, it was revealed that Sam was afraid of clowns, and this episode, Sam had to deal with clowns again. In a parodying fashion of 24, the episode kicked off with Sam running from clowns. Then went to a before, to how Sam and Dean figured it came from Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie. Supernatural was in its best form this episode, by giving us clowns, Dean chasing a man in a lion suit, a overly happy bad guy and Dean getting his slinky.

8- Repo Man: In this episode, we got a look into Sam's head and what is really going on. Fans also received a flashback showing the much missed Impala and Dean's necklace (flashback was season 3 if you don't remember). Mark Pellegrino is back as Lucifer and is in top form as Lucifer continuously annoys Sam and attempts to get Sam's attention. In the end, Lucifer does win and makes Sam's scar on his hand unable to send Lucifer away. You can't say, you didn't feel chills as Sam imagined flames and Lucifer's laughter as Sam realized he was doomed.

9-  The Born-Again Identity: Sam finally breaks down due to Lucifer not letting Sam sleep. This causes Sam landing in the mental ward of the hospital. We get another heartbreaking moment as Sam tells Dean that hes too tired to put up a fight anymore and Dean's face (props to Jensen Ackles) shows how heartbroken he is about Sam's situation. This episode was also the return of Castiel, and Dean is forced to put his anger aside to help his brother. In the end Casitel is unable to fix Sam's mind, and decides to take Sam's insanity in order to remedy the situation.

10- Reading Is Fundamental: In this episode, it is revealed how the Leviathans can be killed. In the previous episode Sam and Dean stole a tablet from Dick Roman, and it just so happened to be the word of god. But it can be only translated by a prophet, which introduces the new prophet, Kevin Tran. Kevin is someone who is thrown into a situation he doesn't know how to handle, nor does he want to. Between Kevin and an insane Castiel, the episode does entertaining. We also get to see some Dean and Castiel interaction and Dean finally showing that he hasn't forgiven Castiel for what he did to Sam. Also Castiel's connection to Meg is a bit funny as well.

So thats my top 10 episodes of season 7 of Supernatural. Despite the lows of the season, Supernatural continues to prove that it can still be the show we all love. This has also shown me that I might be a Sam girl, but I rather not pick sides. I do though still stick by the fact that I think the Sam's hell storyline was the better storyline. Next week is the final review of Season 7, and then Supernatural Wednesdays are officially over. See you next week.

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