Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Supernatural: Season 7 comes to an end.

Castiel giving Sam and Dean sandwiches.
The finales of Supernatural has come and gone. Survival of the Fittest reunited the Winchesters with all their old friends and the Impala. Everything that was lost has returned. Castiel back from the dead, Bobby as a ghost and the Impala in a grand entrance. This also marks the last episode of Sera Gamble being the showrunner of Supernatural. It also marks the last Friday it will ever air since Supernatural is moving to Wednesdays. In Season 8, Jeremy Carver will be the new showrunner.

As any Supernatural finale, it stated with the Road So Far segment (which is below) and showed the season. I found that there was little voice overs and more playing towards the music. In previous seasons, it was able to sum the season's storyline up nicely. But with this one, it was like it didn't know how to and considering the material it was given, I don't blame it. Not to mention it was explaining the leviathan plot and completely forgetting the Sam's hell plot. Most of the clips were of the second half of the season, which we all can agree was stronger than the first half. I am willing to overlook this since "Carry On My Wayward Son" was playing and I had a stupid big ass grin on my face when it was playing.

You all knew this moment would come when Sam and Dean set out to kill Dick Roman. Thanks to Kevin Tran, they have been gathering the materials over the last few episodes to create the weapon. Fun fact of the day, the episode was originally titled, Get Dick, but was later changed to Survival of the Fittest.Which is a better title in my opinion. In order to finish the weapon they need Crowley's blood, and Crowley happened to be captured in a devil's trap by Dick Roman. The scene between Crowley and Dick Roman was a little poke towards how deals are made in the business world and all the loopholes they built in.

In order to finish the weapon, Sam and Dean need Crowley's blood, but when they summon him, Crowley is a no show. Have to say that Crowley has excellent timing since he catches the Winchesters when they are expecting it. Crowley arrives in time to see them working with the thought dead Castiel and the traitor Meg. Although Crowley soon finds out that Castiel is crazy. Either way, he gives them his blood.

Survival of the Fittest managed to tied up some loose ends and reconnect with lost fan favorites. First is Bobby, who is still possessing the poor maid from the previous episode. Sam confronts him and asks Bobby to stop. Bobby is soon overcome with the emotion of a vengeful ghost and chokes Sam. But realizing what hes doing, Bobby stops and lets the girl go free. This is a beautiful moment where Bobby remembers why he stayed (for the boys and who he is currently choking) and at this point realizes that he can't beat his fate of being a ghost. As for Castiel, even in his insane, pacifist mind, he knows the boys need help.

Now the most important part of this episode was the return of the Impala. Since Slash Fiction, the Impala has been on lockdown mode and Dean is forced to drive other cars. You have to admit it the Impala was so badass the moment it was on the road and all Supernatural fans were probably smiling and squealing at their tv screens. Pity though that it was Meg driving and not Dean. The two need to be reunited.

Now I'm not going to ruin the finale for those who have not seen it. But it obvious that Dick does die, or rather explode like the Leviathan that he is. Although sadly, this does not mean the end of the Leviathans. The ending is surprising and Sam and Dean become separated. Its not going to be like previous season where they were apart for 1-3 episodes. My question is now, why did Dean just stand there? It may not have been the greatest season finale, but it had its moments. At least it didn't completely suck.

Next week, its the Top 10 episode of Season 7.

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