Monday, April 30, 2012

Alphas: Not The Average Show

Cast of Alphas.
You can always tell a show is going to be good when its first season starts off strong. Alphas is a Syfy show with an 11 episode season that first aired in 2011. What makes it unique is that it's not about a group of people with superpowers, but humans with exceptional abilities. Each ability comes with its down side and each person has their own story. The characters have their own back story and how their alpha ability effects them.

Alphas is about simply about a group of alphas gathered together to work with Dr. Rosen. Together they work to stop crimes committed by other alphas. So under the care of psychologist Dr. Lee Rosen, 5 alphas work on solving cases for the US Department of defense. Alphas on Rosen's team are Gary (an autistic man who can see signals), Bill (heighten flight or fight response), Cameron (hyperkensis), Rachel (heighten five senses), and Nina (Hyper Induction). Each of them, like any good character has faults, background and a unique quality to the group. There is even a romance between Cameron and Nina that is played with.

Now the universe of the Alphas is very interesting. The world itself is not different from today with the exception of Alphas. It makes the world Alphas create seem like society today and if you think about it, wouldn't society be like that if alphas truly existed? Like any real scenario, there is always the extremist group, which in this case is Red Flag. Red Flag believes that alphas are the solution and are meant to be. This group takes a strong presence in the storyline of season 1.

Storyline is what keeps a good show going along with good dialog and characters. Alphas employs all three. With season 2 airing sometime this year, it will be very interesting to see where this show goes. Although not all episodes in this season are hard hitting. If you want to catch a glimpse of Alphas, Syfy I think runs episodes off the site, otherwise, Space plays the odd episode here and there. Not to mention the odd marathon as well. Promo below.

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