Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Time After Time

Even though Adventures In Babysitting wasn't a high packed episode, it paid a good tribute to the fallen Bobby. Heres your spoiler alert. Read the rest at your own risk. Meaning you don't want to ruin it for yourself, stop reading.

So Bobby has passed away and Sam and Dean mourn the lost of their father figure. Supernatural did a good job of showing how Sam and Dean each deal with it. After 3 weeks, Dean begins on the road to revenge by gathering information on Dick Roman in order to pay him back for what he did to Bobby. It makes sense since Dean and Bobby were really close, and gives Dean's character purpose. What about the numbers? Well guess what they're coordinates, which Dean found out thanks to Frank's (he previously appeared in Slash Fiction) help. When are numbers not coordinates? But Supernatural managed to out their own twist on it. These coordinates lead to an empty field, and Dick Roman building something there. The question is now, what is it? Its nice to see Frank back, and we learn a bit more about his story. Frank also gives Dean a good, but very sad piece of advice, which we see Dean attempt to do in the ending scene. Going to add that Jensen Ackles did beautifully.

Another storyline that played was Sam's storyline of helping Krissy find her missing hunter father, Lee (played by Ian Tracey). Well more like attempted to help, because he too was captured by the Vetala. Ya, the monster of the week was the Vetala not vampires like the pictures lead us to believe (I also blame the sites out there claiming it was vampires). So when Sam goes missing, Dean comes to the recuse. The nice note in this episode was the fact that Dean was telling Krissy and Lee to get out of the life before they lost more people they loved. Think about it, in Season 1 Dean would have never said that, but after everything they lost, Dean realizes that the lifestyle isn't so great anymore. But someone has to do it.

The next episode is another time traveling episode and is titled Time After Time After Time. So the God of Time send Dean back to the 1940s where he runs into Elliot Ness, who just so happens to be a hunter. Back in the present Sam has some problems of his own and runs into an old friend. My sources say that this old friend is Jody Mills. It would be nice to see her again and how she deals with the news that Bobby is dead (remember the kiss in Slash Fiction?) It should be an interesting episode. Keep in mind after this episode Supernatural is going on a two week hiatus. So next week I'll post my review and spoilers for the upcoming episodes I happen to stumble upon. For now, I will leave you with the trailer for the episode.

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