Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Merlin- The Darkest Hour (Part 1) Review

The long awaited series four is here. I have a feeling that this season will be a big tuning point for the rest of the series. Well unless you count the Season 3's finale was that point. The point it, its very exciting that Merlin has finally come to North America. I know it has finished in Britain, so ssssshhhhhh if you have already seen the whole season.

So in this opening it lets us know the fate of all the characters from season 3. Well since you all have seen the previews, you know that Morgana is back and has grown in her powers. Thus making her more dangerous of an enemy. Arthur now is taking care of Camelot in his father's absence, but still in a prince. Uther is moping around his room due to Morgana's betrayal. Meaning your not going to seen much of Uther. Gwen is still a servant and is taking care of Uther (well trying to anyways), but has a bit more open relationship with Arthur. Merlin is still a servant, but has an ally in Lancelot since he knows Merlin has magic. There is a new character a well when Arthur's uncle, Agravaine de Bois, but I wouldn't trust him just yet. Everything seems right in the world, until Morgana unleashes her plan.

I felt that this season started off great and had me on edge the whole time. It had its intense moments along with its humor between Merlin and Arthur. Thats what makes Merlin such a great show. Since Season 3, Merlin opens with a two parter and ends with one. Both building up the stakes, and developing the characters even further. Although there are some moments where I was like why are they doing that and I wonder what their feeling acting that part? This episode also develops another element, Morgana knowing there is a warlock out there called Emerys who will be her doom. We all know that warlock is Merlin, but Morgana doesn't. So let's see how that plays out.

I am really looking forward to the next episode. I also am going to try to stay spoiler free this season (accidentally found some already though). So for now, i'll leave you with the preview for the next episode.

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