Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Supernatural Spoiler Time (+Review)

We have been hit with a two week hiatus until The Slice Girls airs in February. So there is really only one thing to do, look for spoilers. But before all that, let's take a look at Time After Time, which aired last week.

This week's episode was a time travel episode. Frontierland was the last episode we saw time travel in. Time After Time pulled it off nicely too. So the basic story was that there was something going around and rapidly aging people, so naturally Sam and Dean go to investigate. Dean finds the man and tackles him but is unknowingly transported back to 1944 with the man who just so happens to be Chronos the greek god of time. Usually Sam and Dean point their guns at the creature, but this time Dean decided to tackle first. It works as a plot line, but why didn't he shoot first. I'm pretty sure a fan out there has an answer. Back to the plot, Dean soon meet Eliot Ness and surprise hes a hunter! So the two work together to hunt Chronos.

I have to say that Robbie Thompson is becoming one of my favorite writers on Supernatural. He recently joined the writing crew this Season and penned earlier, Slash Fiction. Like that episode it has a mixture of humor and action. What made this episode great was Dean's fan girl reaction to meeting Eliot Ness. Think about it. Dean, one tough ass hunter, fan girling over a character he saw in a movie (which he watched a bunch of times).

We also see the return of Jody Mills, and in a way helps develop a nice way to remember Bobby Singer. We all miss Bobby, and the characters do too, but in a healthy way. With the exception of Dean who is on the hunt for Dick Roman. With her return, it shows that Sam and Dean aren't truly alone. They have plenty of allies still breathing. Which brings up two awesome quotes; the first when Sam comments on Dean looking up articles on Roman and the line is: "You going to look at more anime, or are you strictly into Dick now?" Just look on Dean's face made you laugh out loud. The two line comments on anime, and as an anime fan it made me laugh ("It's called anime, and it's an art form.").

Its spoiler time. So from what I have found out is that we will soon see Sam going crazy and with that comes the reappearance of Lucifer. I can't remember where I found that but we'll see him soon. On the subject of Sam's hell, apparently hes going to crack so bad that he is going to be put in an Asylum. Gotta wonder how Dean's going to deal with this. Ep 17 (apparently called "Heaven is a Place On Earth") Castiel will return, but not as before. Rumor has it that Garth from Season 7, Time For A Wedding will return this season. I'll leave you with the promo for The Slice Girls.

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