Monday, January 16, 2012

Merlin- The Darkest Hour (Part 2) Review

Part 2 picked up where part 1 left us hanging (who would have thought right?). For those who haven't seen the episode I'm sorry, but then again that is a very small amount of you since its finished in the UK and just came to North America.

Although we all know that Merlin can't die, you can't help but wonder how Merlin is going to survive this time. Unable to continue, Arthur sends a near death Merlin back to Camelot with Lancelot to Gaius. Its very heartbreaking to see Merlin beg Arthur to take him along, and Arthur forced to send Merlin away. These two friends are close and Merlin's state hurts them both. So the knights continue on with their quest supporting each other. Although none know that only a sacrifice can seal the tear in the worlds.

Meanwhile Lancelot and Merlin stop by a river to rest where the river spirits heal Merlin. Once again Lancelot is a great ally to Merlin and doesn't fright of the magic but watches in wonder. Soon Merlin and Lancelot are riding towards Arthur and the other knights. When they stop they are attacked by the Deava, and Merlin calls for the dragon. I bet Lancelot's character was probably thinking along the lines of "HOLY SHIT A DRAGON!" but since its a family show he just pulled out his sword. I'm not going to give more of the plot away, although one of the best quotes from this episodes was, "Bad News.......hes still alive" followed by the reactions lol.

I think Merlin has decided to open and close their seasons with two parters from now on. I felt season 4 has started great and the rest of the season looks promising. Although they continue to use the same animation of the dragon since they created it back in Season 2. I'm glad they're changing the opening sequence this year a bit, but not that much. I get they have to budget their money, but change it up a bit. Like get the dragon to land onto something else besides in a open field. Take up the challenge Merlin. Also, did anyone notice Percival got scratched on the arm? Well thats what you get when no have no chain mail covering your arms, not that I'm hatin. There is a need to make him slightly different from the rest of the knights. Well I look forward to the next episode.

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