Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Supernatural "Road Trip": It's A Devil Of A Plan

After the emotionally destroying mid season finale, Supernatural is back with Road Trip as Dean sets out to save Sam. Joining him Castiel, who is now back to his angelic glory, and Crowley, the demon on the leash. That is three people I thought I would never see work together and here they are working for a common goal. In addition, I didn't think I would like Crowley so much as he became a hero in his own right this hour. It's like Supernatural is trying to fill in the hole in my soul that Kevin left, but Supernatural I haven't forgotten. I will not forget Kevin and the beginning of Road Trip really rubbed in that wound. At least Dean gave him a hunter send off and admitted it was his fault. Thank you writers for this and giving Dean some guilt he should actually feel guilty about. I will forgive you if you bring Kevin back writers. Or if Gadrel gets whats coming to him.

For those of you lost in hellatus, last time we saw our heroes Castiel got his mojo back, Zeke was not "Zeke" but rather Gadrel, and he basically hijacked Sam, killed Kevin and took off. Yes, take a moment to take in the shock and/or cope with the pain that was Kevin. Miss you buddy. Road Trip brought us back to Dean's reality of brotherless and mourning the loss of Kevin. After some room trashing, Castiel shows up, doning the trench coat again offering his help. Dean tells Castiel what happened and Castiel suggests to ask Crowley for help on getting Gadreel out of Sam. Elsewhere Gadreel and Metatron meet up on what step next to take in their little plan to "save" heaven. Back with our heroes, and Crowley, Dean decides to accept Crowley's demands for his help with Sam, and they head out to track "Sam" down. They find "Sam" in the house of his latest kill and knock him out to take him to some super secret place that I'm not sure where it is. Gadreel is not about to let his vessel go without a fight and Dean won't let his brother go easily.

Now Road Trip was a fantastic episode for Supernatural and for season 9. I really feel like Supernatural is finally finding it's footing in season 9 as it kinda lost it's way earlier on in the season. What can I say, I'm a glutton for pain. Supernatural strives at the drama for the brother's pain and how it makes the audience feel it as well. Sam and Dean aren't just these really tall and sexy guys, they have feelings, fears and goals. Although being sexy doesn't hurt anyone. The point is that it makes them easy to relate to and emotionally invest in. Furthermore, it is great when material like Road Trip uses characters like Sam and Dean in a great way that it makes it an enjoyable hour of television. That and the reasons why they do things makes sense (no stupid season 7 reasons here). It was really interesting to see Dean go to those lengths to save his brother and Cas was there helping him the whole time. I would like to take a moment to appreciate the excellent connection between Dean and Cas and how they understand each other. This is mostly credit to Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins. Hey, even Crowley was lovable this week as he lent a helping hand to save Sam. You can really see the changes the trial did on him and how hes changed. At one point during Road Trip I was cheering for him.

So what about Road Trip should I pick at hmmmmm? Well Kevin is still dead and thats not cool. At least Dean destroyed a room for Kevin. Then there is the usual Winchester angst that has been done in several different ways. Which brings us to the ending of Road Trip and how that went. Who else thought "how long will that last?". Shit will happen and they will reunite. I could go on about how Dean needs to realize elements to the life he has chosen, but I might end up arguing with myself about it. Serious question though people, what do you think of Castiel's new trench coat? It looks weird short as it is. Just saying.

I'm so glad to have Supernatural back and Road Trip was just fantastic. Glad Dean is not lying to Sam anymore and I'm glad those random Human!Castiel sub plots are gone as well. Sorry, some were good, some were a waste of time. What can a 23 episode season do but fill in time when not dealing with the main arc? How much you wanna bet Misha had fun with the scenes he had to hit Jared in character? It wouldn't surprise me if he "messed" up a couple of times. For those of you who don't know, Jared and Misha have a friendly rivalry. See you guys next week.

How long do you think they will be apart? What do you think of Crowley?

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