Monday, January 13, 2014

Beauty and The Beast "Don't Die On Me": This And That Happened

Hey beasties, we are back from the winter hiatus as television is ever so slowly coming out of it's cocoon and reminding us how we ever survived so long without it. Then again that could be just my Sherlock woes leaking through here. I don't know why, but Beauty and the Beast is really losing it appeal for me and it's not just because it beat out Supernatural for the People's Choice Awards (no I'm not holding a grudge here). It is episodes like Don't Die On Me that reminds me that Batb is a drama and its gonna throw us all over the place while it tries to think of something decent to tell. I do like how Don't Die On Me did open a new storyline with Batb though, but I can already foresee some upcoming issues with it. The fact is I'm going to be constantly seeing through those overused plotlines and that takes out the fun of watching Batb in the first place.

Don't Die On Me picks up after the events of the mid season finale as Catherine is now being investigated on her arrest of her father. It is the obvious tell the truth and Catherine fibs thing guys. Leaving the meeting, Gabe checks on how Catherine is doing after the shooting, and Catherine says that she is done with Vincent and she would have shot him again in order to protect his humanity. Elsewhere Tori helps Vincent tend to his gunshot wound that doesn't seem to be healing very well. So much for Beast healing right? Tori suggests that Vincent goes to a hospital for help, but Vincent would rather stay in the shadows. This is when Catherine shows up to check on how Vincent is doing and tells him that she is going to stop helping him and such. When Catherine heads back to the station, the FBI investigator reveals he found a bullet that was "presumably" fired from her gun. Unless she tells the truth, her career could be in jeopardy. Elsewhere, Tori brings Vincent to JT's place for help since Vincent is not getting any better. When they send JT off for help, Tori gets a call from associates of her father who could possibly know her secret.

There were somethings about Don't Die On Me that were decent enough to keep my interests peaked in the show. Which is saying something on the looks of where Batb is heading. But thats an argument for later and probably not here. There was this interesting theme of Catherine letting go which could be either a bad or good thing. We have seen her over the course of series bend over backwards to help Vincent and now that Vincent is forsaking everything she has done, she realizes she doesn't need to do that anymore. Vincent has made his choice and its time for her to make hers. Which made the imagery of Catherine walking from the shadows into the light quite cool and showing her character moving forward with her life. Although it was funny seeing her tranq Vincent to stop him from doing something stupid. Which brings me to my next point of the Vincent storyline they brought up that could create some problems for him to face.

I am clearly having issues though with Batb and Don't Die On Me that is something I can't ignore. I originally sat down with Batb due to VinCat and Jay Ryan's lovely face and was rewarded with an excellent second half of a first season and a terrible finale. Don't Die On Me really shows how Batb is failing in the second season with characters branching out on lame storylines and throwing in some decent mythology that was later forgotten about. Not even VinCat can save this mess which at this point I'm beginning not to care about anymore. Sorry to all of you who still enjoy Batb as I am not. I once had hope for the series that I now no longer have. I want to see Vincent and Catherine fighting crime and things bigger than themselves. Not creating this vortex of he/she said and picking sides. Although I think we all can agree we hate Tori. Batb are you going to seriously weave her story into the plot with a new corporation baddie? The FBI interrogation was also annoying as well cause I can see that opening up later in the plot as a whole new trouble.

I think it might be time for me and Batb to head separate ways at this point. Don't Die On Me did open some new avenues for Batb to explore and could be interesting. Unless Batb makes its own version of the Avengers (or Beastengers), cause honestly it would be awesome, it's time for me to say goodbye to the show. So this will be my last review of Batb.  We had our good times Batb, but this is it. Good luck to you all who will continue to stick with it, and let me know if something VinCat juicy happens.

Do you think that Batb is letting go? What plot point do you want to happen?

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